In the dirtiest depths of the netherworld’s dungeon, I encountered the most malevolent demon in existence over millions of years.

He is the most secret and unspeakable entity across the three realms, a nightmare to the gods, and the supreme leader of the malevolent spirits of Fengdu, long buried by history.

He died ten thousand years ago and returned from Avīci Hell.

(Buddhist lowest and most torturous level of hell)

That day, he saved me.

Since then, I had a master.

I followed him, obeyed him, and became his puppet.

And he gave me everything—his blood reshaped my meridians, transformed me completely, and the price was that I must live on his blood.

Under his protection, I entered the first immortal sect, advancing rapidly, and became the most outstanding genius among my peers.

He wanted me to take the sect master as my teacher, so I did; he wanted me to steal the supreme treasure, so I stole; he wanted me to compete for the head of the Daoist sect, so I contended…

Later, he wanted me to seduce and marry the sect master’s son.

I knew he wanted to destroy this immortal sect from its roots. When he gave the order, he leaned lazily against the bluestone under the moon, his white robe half-open, a cold and malicious smile amid his long, drooping hair.

This immortal sect with thousands of disciples was just a game he toyed with.

And I was just the ant he could use.

I knew it all.

But I didn’t care.

I married.

Red bridal robe, candles, a grand human wedding.

I learned the ways of mortal women, feigned shyness and joy, and sat on the wedding bed waiting for my husband.

I waited all night.

He did not come.

At dawn, finally, someone pushed open the window.

He wore a snow-white robe stained red, holding a long sword, blood trailing along his path, painting the ground red, the mountains behind him covered in blood.

He used the blood-stained sword tip to lift my red veil.

The cold blade kissed my throat.

I looked up and saw a pair of pitch-black eyes.

For the first time in the world, the demon shed two lines of bloody tears.

In a hoarse voice, he asked her.

“…How dare you.”

(Credit : Wook’s Teahouse)

[Ebook][Eng Translation]

Vico SDL

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