Pampering You Till The End of the World 宠你到世界尽头 by 未眠君 Wei Mian Jun (HE)

“I’ve even changed my ways for you, and my reputation is already bad, so you must take responsibility!”

Who doesn’t know that the number of girls Weng Jingcheng has provoked could circle the entire city. But just how formidable he can be when he’s infatuated, perhaps only Ming Xiyue has personally experienced.

She accidentally met him when he was with another woman, and at first it was because he thought she was unusually interesting, but later on it was like he was completely possessed and threw himself at her.

He gave up his playboy ways, she was unlucky.

“Let’s try, I’ve already become a new man.”

“What if I still don’t like you after trying, what then?”

“I’ll chase you obsessively, I’m actually quite good at that.”


This kind of dialogue should be in a screenplay!

Ming Xiyue never expected that she, who had always been the most inferior in love, would one day be spoiled in this way by another. She has been in unrequited love for more than ten years, what was hers was taken over by others, she even had to give up her status as a rich young lady and work to earn money and provide for their sweet life.

Even she herself felt that it served her right to be slaving away at such a thankless effort!

His appearance made her feel that God was fair after all.

No matter how late it was, he would come when she called. No matter how exhausted he was, he would always be willing to spread his wings for her. No matter how much others would say that they were impossible, he would fight with all his strength.

Perhaps Weng Jingcheng himself didn’t expect that he who had always been unrestrained and wanton, would one day be so madly in love that he was even willing to be a spare tire.

Just to dote on her in every way, till the end of the world.

(Credit : Foxaholic)

[Ebook][Audiobook][Eng Translation]

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