Scarlet Flowers of Love 六花禁爱 by 月落紫珊 Yue Luo Zi Shan (OE)

She is a goddess from up above, yet from the beginning destined to be a renounced God. Divine powers and her were just not meant to be. Behind her elder sister’s brilliance, she can only be a shadow. She’s a presence to be exploited, but a person like her, also desires to be treated sincerely. Even if, for a moment. And to be an evidence of her, Yin Luo’s existence. But, dreams have become long. Just what type of greatness would she become, and what kind of emotional burdens will she carry?

[Ebook] [Audiobook] [Eng Translation]


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    • Haha because not many has read it yet. I think this novel ends pretty nicely and clean. Don't think Mu Zi Xin is right for love, i think he's very sad. The most selfless person. I think that Yu Xian Zi is actually very suitable for him.

  • Just finished the reread. This book really does have a lot of foreshadowing. All those innocuous comments come back and bite you. "If I had to choose between the world and you, I will abandon you everytime." That line really hit me when Mu Zi Xin stabbed the both of them through in the end.

    The novel does end nicely, but I hoped for a little more. Maybe an extra about their life afterwards or something. Although you never do find out what happens to Yue Ran and Su Xian. At first I really thought Miao Xuan would be the second lead because all his characteristics are typical second lead, best friend, dependable, self-sacrificial, selfless, etc. I don't know how he could bear those thousand years at Yan Xi, especially that scene with the medicine. I suppose it had to be done, since even with his cold attitude, people attempted to manipulate Yin Luo to get close to Yan Xi. But it so thoroughly destroyed Yin Luo's self confidence it's depressing.

    By the way, am I the only one that felt pity for Yin Huai Dan? At some points, I really wished that he and Chi Ji would've had a chance. Do you know why only Yin Luo and Chi Ji were shens but Miao Xuan and his father were not? They were of the same bloodline, but they lacked the power/body.

    • yeah I was always confused about the God thing. But i suppose it is only passed by the girls. It's "Sheng Nu" not "Sheng Nan" afterall. I wonder what Miao Xuan is even. I think it was supposed to be somewhat ambiguous and up to the reader maybe? His blood doesn't make flowers bloom or anything. I wonder if his wounds close automatically like Yin Luo's. hehe I don't pay enough attention to little details. It's really hitting me in the face hard while translating since forced to pay attention to every little word.

    • If I hadn't translate it, I wouldn't have reread. I missed so much too. The second time I read, I noticed alot about Yue Ran that I hadn't noticed the first time. All of Mu Zi Xin's lines and actions also tugged at my heart while during my first read I just let them pass by without much thoughts.

      The God line only passes through the females. They guys are born immortal, but without the body of a God.

      No, I also feel sad for Yin Huai Dan, he did all these as revenge against Chi Ji, but didn't know that she did love him and wanted to leave with him if only he was willing to wait a little more. He was the one who caused them to become like this. Poor guy.

      I still think I feel the most sadness and pity for Mu Zi Xin, he's such a good person, except a bad lover. His own happiness is considered little love, while the peace of the 6 realms is his big love. I cried when Gu Chian Fan told Luo Xuan about how he's changed in these years after he let go of Yin Luo the second time (to save his Shi Xiong). His suicidal move of killing Yin Luo just to die with her was the only selfishness he ever showed, if he could at least die with her he'd fell content. That he did with consideration for the goodness of the world, but also a little of his own wishes. I think he finally gave up on love when he knew that had he saw through her illusions, if it really did turn into reality, he would still kill her. I think that their problem was that one was too self-less while the other was a self centered person (which she has every right to be, she's suppose to be born as the center of the world). This guy just makes me sigh sigh and sigh some more.

      • I actually didn't feel too bad for Mu Zi Xin. Everything was his own choice. His sense of responsibility is too strong; he could never be selfish. Although I never understood what made Mu Zi Xin so in love with Yin Luo. He met her once when he was 15 and never saw her again. In a way I suppose the time has sainted her memory and no other woman can possibly compare, but it seems like his love could have been any one else if the circumstances were just a little different.

        He certainly makes a nice contrast with Miao Xuan though. They would both sacrifice their lives for love, but Miao Xuan would sacrifice the world. Mu Zi Xin's selflessness makes him a terrible love prospect.

        I think my favorite scene of Mu Zi Xin would be when both he and Yin Luo were in the Abyss and Yin Luo pretends he's Ting Feng. If they were mortal and without the responsibilities of needing to save the world, how their love would've been. But I suppose that wouldn't make them the same Yin Luo and Mu Zi Xin.

        • lol I don't get why he loved Yin Luo this much either. I get why she fell in love with him. She was very lonely, and he's the only one who really showed her genuine care. I think that Yue Ran was also genuine also, regardless of his choices. He's kind of like Mu Zi Xin also, in that he chooses his brother. I think had Miao Xuan not sealed her memories, she wouldn't have fell in love with Mu Zi Xin. Miao Xuan wanted to protect her by his ways, but unintentionally hurt her in the process.

          I think saying I feel bad for Mu Zi Xin is wrong way of expression my feelings. I have a complicated feeling for him. I think it's more of he's someone that when I think of, I have to sigh. There's no right or wrong to what he does.

          I think that time when he decides to save his Shi Xiong over Yin Luo because he thinks that she'll be able to endure more than his Shi Xiong can is very hard to say which was the right person to save. It's kind of like a lifeguard question, if a kid fell into the lake and your girlfriend, who would you save first? You're the only one there who has the ability to save either one. The kid is not yours, but you know that if the kid stays in the lake a minute longer then he/she will die, and you think that your girlfriend will be able to last longer in the lake? You'll jump in to save her next. By the time you get back in to save her, she's already gone and saved by another person, but because you saved someone else instead of her first, that will forever be en-carved into her memories.

          • True enough, but I think that if you loved deeply enough, you wouldn't be able to think about who to save. You would instinctively save the person who is the world to you. The fact that Mu Zi Xin could think rationally in that situation means two things: 1) He is a good leader and would not think with his emotions in a critical situation. 2) He would weigh the lives of people he saves against each other.

            It's true that he regrets not saving her, but that's because he miscalculated. He thought it was the Tian Ling Zhen she already survived, so he saved his shi xiong first. What he regrets is not recognizing it as a portal to the Abyss. If it was the Tian Ling Zhen that he thought it was, I think he would've regretted less, even if Yin Luo would have suffered immense pain and the wounds that resulted from the zhen.

            In a way I would see Mu Zi Xin as a wise emperor. He's at the top of the world with so many responsibilities but he's so alone. He can't have what he wants because it's wrong. It would mean abandoning the rest of the world, and he won't be able to forgive himself if he does that. He is some one who would be worshiped by everyone, except for the person most important to him, because she would be the one neglected.

            Miao Xuan's protection mainly revolves around physical protection and Yin Luo's wants. He really does neglect her emotional reactions, even when he's not Yan Xi. Especially in the end when he asks her to choose between him and the world. If he had explained it more thoroughly, instead of giving up halfway, the ending would have never happened. They could ignore the rest of the world and lived happily with each other. It would mean their reputation would fallen beyond repair, but that doesn't mean anything to them, not when it's compared to each other's life.

  • Its nice reading others thoughts on the characters. Do u know why Chi Ji killed that sect? What was Yin luo's relation to that. I also wonder if yue ran knew about Miao Xuan.

    • I'm assuming that it's because Qing Yun Sect's leader was the reason that Yin Luo had to use Gui Po and almost died. She wandered off and Qing Yun Sect's leader believed in the rumor that if you eat a God's flesh, you can have it's power. It's what forced her to summon God's Sword. When her mother first returns, Yin Luo's hate of blood makes her hide between Miao Xuan, and only through a lot of persuasion did she see Chi Ji. It's something that haunted Yin Luo because this was her mother.

      Although Yin Luo did mention that her mother acted out-of-character and excessively so I'm not entirely sure. Maybe it's that act and the fact that Yin Huai Dan used to be of Qing Yun that she got blinded by anger?

      I would assume that Yue Ran wouldn't know simply because Miao Xuan is that cautious of Yin Luo's safety, although the timing would be very hard. After slaughtering Qing Yun, Chi Ji returns to Mt. Shen to seal Yin Luo's memories and power since she dies in front of her. But she promises to let Yue Ran kill her in exchange for his promise, so she dies twice?

      • What? So that kid was actually yue ran and not xu xian his brother? I definitely left out alot.

        • Because Yue Ran always go "This is not about Chi Ji's promise, I want to protect you." Therefore I'm assuming the kid in chapter 1 was Yue Ran.

  • chancy426:
    That makes sense. Man, I definitely need to reread this story.

    Everything made so much more sense after a reread. The characters know EVERYTHING before we do. Yin Luo knew that the Ting Feng that saved her was actually Mu Zi Xin. Mu Zi Xin knew that Yin Luo was the Heavenly Emperor from the moment he saved her from the Mo realm. According to Ting Feng, Yin Luo suspected him to be the Heavenly Sword's soul the moment she saw him. It puts a really ambiguous and mysterious atmosphere, but it's so frustrating when no one ever finishes an important thought until 3 chapters later.

    By the way, I found it so sweet that even though Miao Xuan lost all of his memories (which is pretty ironic storywise), he still remembered subconsciously that Yin Luo loved Liu Hua and spent 500 years growing them.

    Do you understand the need behind sealing Yin Luo's power? I get that one person should not have too much power, but was there really a desperate to need to seal it? Miao Xuan used his soul to seal it, and Mu Zi Xin wanted to seal it so that she would not have to die. But the power of the Heavenly Emperor is nothing like a dark aura.

    • I think that Tian Di's just as scary as Mo Shen if not scarier. Yin Lou, the few times she became Tian Di had no idea what was going on and acted completely emotionlessly even "killing" Tian Feng whom she felt so regretful towards afterwards. I suppose when she was 10 years old at Qing Yun, when she called out the Heavenly Sword, she became Tian Di for a brief time. It's not dark aura, but it would make Yin Luo's life very complicated making it impossible for her to be happy. Besides, looking at all the xian and their expectations of what Tian Di should or should not do, being just a ten year old child, I guess they just wanted her to be happy and not need to be strapped down by the world. Like nobody cares about Mu Zi Xin's happiness vs. his duties as a xian, no one would care about Yin Luo's wellbeing and happiness.

    • I assume that Miao Xuan did it to protect her. Since her natural powers were sealed, nothing she's learned also has much progression. He wants to create a useless image out of her that way people would not suspect that she is the Heavenly Emperor. Even Yan Fu did not want to suck her blood because he thinks it would taint his cultivation cause she's bad blood. When compared to Yan Xi, everyone thinks little of Lin Luo, he want to take the attention away from her. Basically he doesn't want her to bear any responsibilities that the world sets upon her because of her fate to be the Heavenly Emperor. I don't think that it has to do with how powerful she will become, I think the more powerful she is the more happy those people in the Xian realm would be because that means she can rival the Mo realm.

      I think in this story Mu Zi Xin is the main guy, those summaries about a xian who surpasses a God and a God who is not better than a xian all points to Mu Zi Xin. I think that Miao Xuan really is the 2nd male lead. It's one of those stories where the main girl in the end chooses the 2nd male lead who has always been by her side. I was so shocked that Yan Xi was actually Miao Xuan. I really hated how cold Yan Xi was, can only imagine how tortured Miao Xuan was under the Yan Xi mask.

      • I had forgotten that the OTP doesn't have to be the main pairing, it just often is. I remember how Yin Luo says that before she was five, Chi Ji always say that shen has a duty to the world, but, afterwards, she said Yin Luo should live happily. Perhaps sealing the Heavenly Emperor's power was the best way for to live happily. Do you remember what incident cause Chi Ji's change in perspective, though?

        Strange thought, if the Mu Zi Xin of the last chapter can travel back in time, do you think he would've changed anything?

        • I think he would prefer to not get Yin Luo to like him. His priorities would remain the same. That's what he realized when he stabbed her and why he gave her up and helped Miao xuan remember.

  • I'm taking your advice, Chancy, and staying away from the Pillow Book and WGTW. Just reading this now and it's really good! SO much better than 寡人 I think. The only problem is the voice. I love Xiao Meng's wispy, breathy voice but that plus the ultra slow, lullaby music in every scene just puts me to sleep. I have to multi-task when I listen or I get completely knocked out every time. It's not the story's fault or the reader's fault, just the production...?

    It's funny how her name is Yin Luo, which sounds like the reverse of Luo Yin every time she tells people, "My name is Yin Luo," I expect LYF to pop out of nowhere and say, "师傅会照顾你!”

    Peanuts, I'm so sorry I rushed ahead of you! I just left it on once while I was multi-tasking and it just finished itself, kind of..... You didn't miss much plot-wise but it is C-gege's second best voice. He sounds pretty darn good. I do wish he's reading the 师傅 in 花千骨. Would be completely 帅.

  • skyblu629: I think it says that VIPs will have a 50% discount on single chapter streaming? 试听 is weird, what’s test listening?

    Thanks skyblu, but doesn't this line VIP会员可享有全站包月15元试听特权means I can get unlimited streaming per mth so why 50% discount for streaming? Hey, you MIA for so long, miss you ar, haha...You are still not back to reading novel? Btw, have you started watching In Love with Power? Feedback pls as I don't wanna start without some positive comments:)

  • Peanuts: Thanks skyblu, but doesn’t this line VIP会员可享有全站包月15元试听特权means I can get unlimited streaming per mth so why 50% discount for streaming? Hey, you MIA for so long, miss you ar, haha…You are still not back to reading novel? Btw, have you started watching In Love with Power? Feedback pls as I don’t wanna start without some positive comments:)

    Hmm, now I don't get it since the two sentences seem to contradict each other. I'm kind of experiencing a mild allergic reaction to Qing dramas, so I'm not watching it. I haven't been reading yet, but I have to say so far the Princess's Man is good. I'm not up to the angst yet, but it's pretty and cute.

  • I have a quick question for those of you who have read this book: is Miao Xuan Yin Luo's blood brother? Because that would just be creepy if he was.

    And skyblu, the Princess's Man does get a lot better. Not just because of the main couple but all the people around them too. It's a pretty good watch. Would recommend that drama more to Peanuts than In Love With Power just because the script and acting is better.

  • skyblu629: Hmm, now I don’t get it since the two sentences seem to contradict each other. I’m kind of experiencing a mild allergic reaction to Qing dramas, so I’m not watching it. I haven’t been reading yet, but I have to say so far the Princess’s Man is good. I’m not up to the angst yet, but it’s pretty and cute.

    I loved Princess Man. The angst is just perfect. I felt it was a roller coaster ride. Are you watching with Chinese dubs or the original? I still think it's my most favorite Korean saejuk. I cried alot for the side characters also. Up the the end it's pretty realistic, just complain that the end could have been extended by 1 ep so things don't seem so rushed.

    Yes, Miao Xuan is her blood brother, but don't take it in a modern perspective because it'll be very hard to accept. I feel so bad for Chi Ji's lover.

  • atsu-chan:

    And skyblu, the Princess’s Man does get a lot better. Not just because of the main couple but all the people around them too. It’s a pretty good watch. Would recommend that drama more to Peanuts than In Love With Power just because the script and acting is better.

    Oh, so much love for Princess Man. I'll make an exception & watch an ancient kdrama since I like Park Shi Hoo:) I gonna borrow my fren's dvd with mandarin dubbing & english subtitle. Anyway, I dun really fancy guys with little hair so I'll give Power the flick & wait for Female Prime Minister. Urrrgh, another Yu Zheng's drama but at least the guy has more hair, lol.

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