A Book Dedicated to Our Youth / Time Will Never Go Back (Stand by Me) 那些回不去的年少时光 by Tong Hua (OE)

Although the past is gone, our youth has yet to end! After the lonely days of elementary school, the chaos of junior high, Luo Qiqi has finally come to high school. Like everyone else who came before her, she has to face the tedious University Examination. Though Luo Qiqi is reluctant, she still has no choice. She wasn’t good at studying, but she also refuses to give up. Is it possible to hope for a happy ending?

Love is also a big challenge she has to face. She and him got together, seemingly already in love. But behind her, there is someone else. How should she confront this? How should she choose?

Adolescent friendship can bring both regret and heartbreak. Adolescent love can bring both sweetness and confusion. The complicated society at the turn of the century only makes things harder to sort out. Luo Qiqi and her classmates keep suffering in solitude like this. But, from all the chaos, they gradually begin to mature and able to see things more clearly.

This is the most perfect ending, as well as the bitterest farewell, the cruelest road to adulthood, and the most unforgettable memory.

Please believe that though the stealthily fleeting time might have aged our beauty, it also makes our lives fuller.

Please believe that our lives’ experiences will not only teach us how to put on a mask of indifference in order to protect ourselves, but will also let us learn how to be merciful and empathize with others.

Please believe that on this earth, there is something more eternal than time, and that is our love for others, and love itself.

Please believe that our youth is not precious because that was the time in which we were young, but rather because that was the time when our hearts were filled with courage and passion. A time where we didn’t worry about getting hurt, or investing too much, or being without love, or without dreams.

Please believe that it’s not the loss of youth that is terrible, but rather it’s the loss of that courage to truly live and love

[Ebook1] [Ebook2] [EngTranslation (Vol 1 to Vol 2 Chapter 10) (Vol 3 Chapter 4 on] [Thời niên thiếu không thể quay lại ấy][나사회불거적소년시광][Audiobook][Drama]


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  • The book is definitely worth reading and is way better than her other modern book, Secrets Hidden By Time, but I'm going to put a warning up: Proceed with caution and lots of tissues.

  • A big thank you to Chenguang for translating the synopsis so beautifully to English. If anyone is interested, she is also translating Hua Xu Yin to English. This is Tong Hua least popular book but I read pretty good comments and reviews of it in Chinese. Thus, I might give this a try but the open ending kind of put me off. I think this book is sort of like Xin Yi Wu's Our Eventually Lost Youth, abt the process & experience of growing up.

    A sort of MV for it: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/H-TEgI5aRmw/?FR=LIAN

  • chancy426:
    Is this happy ending? I just want to know what I’m getting into.

    The ending can be said to be open, but I definitely hated TH the moment I finished the book

  • I love this book. It reflected the memories which I thought it has been forgotten. I seemed to live in those time again. However, I'm not satisfy with the ending. How I've always for Luo Qi Qi and Zhang Jun to meet again to clear up all the misunderstandings and feeling that they have been hiding for so long!

    New water is coming in and the old one is coming out
    It is impossible to hold on to it
    Time is like the flowing of water
    This is what it really means.

  • chenguang: The ending can be said to be open, but I definitely hated TH the moment I finished the book

    I thought that the open ending vaguely implied that they cannot return back to the past so I took it as a sad ending. I hate tong hua for the ending too! She always have the ability to make me depress for a few days after reading her novel.

  • I am reading the English translation (can't wait to read more). I do enjoy the read - very relatable and I am already preparing myself for a lot of bittersweet moments. But I really can't stop from wondering how's it going to end. Can anyone please give some spoiler?

  • There r many characters in the story who cannot complete school. Only some, like Qiqi, r fortunate enough to continue to do well academically.

    Xiao Bo got expelled in his final year of middle school n he decided to join the gang. He forced Qiqi to break off all contact w him and they never see each other again.

    Zhang Jun nearly got arrested in his second year of middle school n the scare changed him for the better. He moved on to high school n dated Qiqi for 1 year in their second year in High School.

    Sadly, they broke up n Qiqi went on to study in Qinghua Uni, followed by overseas, while Zhang Jun went on to study landscape design in local C university. They too never saw each other again after they graduated from high school.

  • Sorry, I tried to put the spoiler / hide text thingy but has gotten rusty n typed the command wrongly.

  • If am allowed to comment exaggrately, I feel like my head is spinning after I read your spoiler (Moonblossom: thank you though). I am on Xiao Bo's ship. Even though I knew Qiqi was not going end up with Xiao Bo, but I did not expect he is gonna living that kind of live, being expelled, join the gang. I am so sad here, heartbroken.

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