Categories: Modern 都市

Please Listen to my Chatters 请你听我碎碎念 by 那时翩然 Na Shi Pian Ran (HE)

The female lead of this story, Mai Xiao Liang has a complex family background and rough love roads, yet her nature is like weed: strong and unbreakable, in the end she finds the warmth that belongs to her. The father that who kept his mistress while throws away his wife and abandons his child encounters the misfortune of going to prison, to save her father she looks in all directions for help, but repeatedly meets with a strong wall. Under helplessness, she can only go find her cowardly ex-boyfriend, in the process have unexpectantly met with male lead Zhao Yi Shan.

In the beginning, Zhao Yi Shan is full of misunderstandings about her, and even adding to her misfortune. In their time together, slowly learns about the good side of this strong girl, like a moist pearl is not dazzling, yet exceptionally attractive.  A fierce pursuit, but having been wounded by love and the effects of her family background, Mai Xiao Liang becomes hesitant in front of this strong love….

[Audiobook] [Ebook]


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  • A pretty unique novel. I found the premise pretty interesting because it talks alot about China's corrupted government. We don't have rich businessmen in this novel, we have government workers/office holders. haha It's has a very dramatic plotline for a modern novel, but those dramatic moments work well in the story. Good ending.

    • Hey, hey let me catch my breathe:P What an influx of modern novels:) I need time, a lot more time to get to this but thanks anyway. Mo Shao Qian as in that guy in Fei Wo Si Cun's novel? Haha, this is only a book so no need to get too work out abt him. I am ok with him as I like to explore diverse & interesting characters in books only, heehee...

  • I started this novel a while ago, but I stopped about halfway through. I have a major bone to pick with Zhao Yi Shan. He seems sort of like Mo Shao Qian, and I really hate novels about abusive male protagonists, no matter how much they love the girl, because we all know what it's like in real life. Does he get any better, Chancy? If you say it gets better, I'll pick it up and finish it!

    • lol He's also happened to do the voice of Mo Shao Qian for the audiobook of that novel also.

      I hated him at first too, can't believe he raped her even though she allowed it to happen. He tries very hard in redeeming himself after realizing how much he needs to keep her in his life. Unlike Mo Shao Qian, he's not that tortured a person. I haven't read that novel, but I still don't understand how the main girl could have fallen in love with Mo Shao Qian. With Zhao Yi Shan, Xiao Liang has a like and hate with him and it wasn't as messed up as staying with him to be tortured. Mai Xiao Liang got entangled with him because he could help her with her dad's case, she felt indebted to him and felt he controls her father's fate so that's why she sleep with him that first time. She saw it as an exchange so she couldn't exactly hate him, but afterwards when he pursues her she couldn't forget that they had that kind of exchange/relationship before and couldn't fully accept him.

      I would say by the end, all that he's done has numbed what he had done in the beginning of the story making me be able to like him more and more. I also like how realistic her feeling for him at the end was. You've learned to start liking this guy and depending on him when your getting lost because the world around you is turning and changing, but you can't forget that he took advantage of your weakness at your weakest time. It tugs at my heart each time she tells him that she still feels that she hates him.

      • Really? I didn't recognize it.... I'll probably go back and finish it after Once Promised. I really like Mai Xiao Liang's personality, and I'm still rooting for her and QIao Ming Liang, even though I know the story is going nowhere in that direction. Why doesn't the happy, good-hearted guy ever get the girl? It always has to be the poor lonely tortured soul. Not that I dislike that though :)

        • I thought Qiao Ming Hua was pretty good and thought it was funny when he revealed that back during college days, all the guys that pursued her all end up being her friend. The person I was most upset with is Zhang Huai Zi. I think in this novel, fate/luck plays alot as a factor to who she ends up with. Timing is so important, you'll see why when you read on.

          Wait for you to finish Once Promised too, I'm getting such opposite responses from readers here compared to the responses on Baidu bar. So strange.

  • Curiosity killed the cat:P Becos of atsu's comment, I went to check out this novel. When I heard A'Shou's voice, it reminds me of Jin mi & Ah Fu, my 2 fav characters. I like her very much so I continue to listen & I am hooked now, haha....That guy's voice is ok but too mature & creepy for my taste:P No wonder he gets all the abnormal characters like Mo Shao Qian.

    So far, so good, it is interesting & heart tugging. I like it, I like it. I've already finished one third of the book:) Some parts quite funny also. The part where she complained he is old & fat, haha...Also, the part where he bought the buy 4 get 1 free condom in the supermarket:P She is so naive & cute like Jin mi:) I didn't read Sealed with a Kiss. Just saw the drama becos of Hawick. As far as I am concerned ZYS isn't as bad as MSQ. Except the 1st time, otherwise he is quite considerate & practical. Not as scary as MSQ. This doesn't mean I like ZYS but I can relate to him more than MSQ who is bend on getting revenge. Btw, you should recommend this book to JoleCole:P

    • I like his voice for Zhang Huai Zi though. Later his voice will sound more smooth and nice when his character is more calm.

      It was pretty funny when she found out his age and was like wah ur already 36? (or 34? Don't remember.) and he's like how come u sound bu gan. I thought he's pretty sweet and otherwise would have been a very good guy to depend on for the rest of ur life if not for that time in the beginning of the story.

      Haha i like Chou Ming Hua, he's funny.

      • Revision: Oops, I missed all the juicy parts as I was skippng around & marathoning the book. Eeeeeee, no wonder atsu complained. I skipped a chapter when she went to take bath as I can guess what will happen, haha...Then when I listened properly last night, shocking. Later, I nearly fell off my bed listening to what happened in Chou Ming Hua's home. I am still in recovery mode now:( Wah, this guy is 2 alpha for my taste so no wonder the girl hates him.

        I nearly wanted to give up this book if not for my love for A'Shou as Mai Xiao Liang & your comments. I am waiting for him to redeem himself as I feel like kicking & beating him up now, hehe...Oh, A'Shou can cry so pitifully. I feel so bad for her, my poor heart. This book is bad for my heart but I've to admit I like the emotional response it evokes fr me:P

    • Wahhh, A'Shou is the audiobook reader? Then I will read this after I finish Dream of the Silver Crucifix. :D

      • Yup yup! It was my first modern novel and it was so dramatic that other modern novels seems too bland in comparison. It is cliche, but doesn't feel cliche at same time. Dramatic, but well suited in the premise.

      • Quickly read it so you can discuss with us. A word of warning. You might lose some sleep over this either becos you'll marathon the book or you are too shocked to continue or both. This book will pull your heart strings. I finished nearly half of the book in 1 day, hehe..

        • You finished it in ONE DAY?! You go, Peanuts!! I got up to the part when ZYS went to OuTing to look for her, and Fang Hong thought that XL knew the secret behind her birth.

          I don't know - even when ZYS was very courteous to XL, I still wanted to smash his face for what he did to her when she needed help the most. 正人君子 my foot!

          • His ending is sooooo deserved, he ends up with a empty shell. I wanted to stick my tongue out at him, but he's in enough torture trying to redeem himself.

            I think Old Jin is very funny. U got to his special service? He gives me the creeps though.

          • No, no, I only finished half the book in a day because I was too shocked to continue, haha...Who is Old Jin? So, ZYS didn't end up with XL & she ended up with the QML?

          • 正人君子 - I got the pinyin of these words from google. Hahaha, it is quite ironic in that I remembered ZYS told XL something like don't believe anything guys tell you. They are all bad & are up to no good. I am surprised he said that. Sometime some of his actions/words do redeem himself a bit in my eye. Especially he went all the way to Jiangsu to see her. Even XL feels sorry for him when he appears weak.

  • Peanuts:
    What are the responses of readers on Baidu bar?

    They love Chi You, but here Xiao Yuer and Skyblue seem pretty lukewarm on him. haha

  • Peanuts:
    No, no, I only finished half the book in a day because I was too shocked to continue, haha…Who is Old Jin? So, ZYS didn’t end up with XL & she ended up with the QML?

    I'm not gonna spoil you, she does end up with ZYS and she slowly loves him back. But can you really forget what he's done no matter how good he has been to you recently? He tainted their relationship and that's a fact that can't be erased. This novel is realistic this way and in the end I still feel very happy and content. It's not like 3rd Kind of Love where in the end they are just one of the unforgettable scenery in their life.

    Old Jin is that Korean business man who offered to help Xiao Liang if she became his mistress.

    • I am only half way thru the book but quite conflict as to who she should end up with. I don't totally ship either of the guy as there is something abt them that don't sit well with me. I feel this is something like the Stockholm syndrome where you feel emphathy for your captor. Although he didn't take her hostage, there might be traumatic bonding b/w them. Although they had a bad start, this should not be held against him if he subsequently redeem himself. Yet, realistically it is not that easy to forget or accept what he has done. Probably an open ending is more appropriate.

      • This is a novel about timing. The same situation happening during different times would receive different results. There are many reasons in the end as to why she must end up with Zhao Yi Shan and you'll find it reasonable when the time comes.

        I felt sad for what could have easily been a happy ending for her and Zhang Huai Zi had she lower her values, but at same time i applaud her for her firmness back than. So when she had the exchange with ZhaoYi Shan she laughed at her foolishness back than, but she believe if she could chose she would have dine the same thing. I like this girl alot and feel said for her misfortune because she could have continued living in her beliefs and upright lifestyle had her dad's problem not occurred.

        • Hahaha, i m on episode 44 now where she is sick & he is looking after her. The interactions b/w them are really funny & heart warming especially in the hospital & supermarket. She is being mistaken as the niece & her real dad's visit to ZYS's hse. But I don't like the plot that he is dating his sis-in-law:( This is just so weird.

          Oh, I am starting to warm up to ZYS. A'Shou has got good taste in books. When you recommended me the book I wasn't very keen because I've never heard abt this author or book b4. However I find this book rather good in that there is a right mixture of laughter & angst moments. The storyline is also more innovative, not the usual kind. I like books that are a bit unusual & captivating as I get bored easily & my attention span is very short. Thanks Chancy, I am enjoying this book very much:)

          • The family scenes will get more and more heart warming also. I teared up several times in this novel for those moments, something that rarely happens when i read modern novels.

            I also like ah shou's picks. That's why i am waiting for her next book hat will go up beginning if next month. I actually like it when she choose not so well known books, i don't have high expectations for them but they turn out very good and full of surprises. In the future u should read that Fragrance novel. Its pretty good also, but one of her earlier works. Many readers picked up that book but couldn't finish it without her audiobook and than find out how great it was.

          • The plot is very fresh & Mai Xiao Liang is the only girl I can relate to so far when it comes to these kind of cliches where the guy is so horrible. It really makes me want to strangle the girl and ask her why she is still able to stay with him.

  • chancy426:
    The family scenes will get more and more heart warming also. I teared up several times in this novel for those moments, something that rarely happens when i read modern novels.

    I also like ah shou’s picks. That’s why i am waiting for her next book hat will go up beginning if next month. I actually like it when she choose not so well known books,i don’t have high expectations for them but they turn out very good and full of surprises. In the future u should read that Fragrance novel. Its pretty good also, but one of her earlier works. Many readers picked up that book but couldn’t finish it without her audiobook and than find out how great it was.

    Just checked that I've listened to most of Ah Shou's books except the 2 with many other readers. Wah that Fragrance book has 158 chapters. Oh, I am scare of long books. But I'll give it a try later. Just tried this book but it didn't get finished:( Oh no, I think I just listened to an audiobook read by a guy only, trying to read like a girl?

  • raini:
    The plot is very fresh & Mai Xiao Liang is the only girl I can relate to so far when it comes to these kind of cliches where the guy is so horrible. It really makes me want to strangle the girl and ask her why she is still able to stay with him.

    I think the author should have tone down on the guy at the beginning of the novel for modern sensibility sake. Should have made the first few times less forceful but just cold only. The heavy handed first part makes the guy detestable & very hard for him to be redeemed in the eyes of modern & independent female readers.

    • I dunno but with he premise, its possible for a man like that. Its just his difference in the beginning and end is somewhat too big a difference almost as if its not him. If it was old Jin i would find it in character, but for the calm Zhao Yi Shan, its very unlike him.

    • haha yeah, the beginning traumatized me so bad. I hated ZYS so much. It's amazing because the story never ignores the fact that he messed up. It brings the reader through the motions of hating his character so much and towards the end, somewhat able to accept him even with that big a scar, but never forgive him hehe. At least I can't!! I don't think Xiao Liang ever say she forgave him, did she? It makes me hurt very much when ZYS reflects and unable to control how Xiao Liang feels towards that incident. That's why when he came back to her, she was in denial. If she thinks of it as a deal, she can just move on, but he is sincere now and meaning she has to constantly think about it facing him. It's normal she wants nothing to do with ZYS. Can see how much he loves her by how persistent he was in being there for her and try to become something else in her life rather than an ugly memory.

      • The sex scenes are so graphic in here. O.O

        I feel so terrible for Xiao Liang, but in my bian tai heart, I find Zhao Yi Shan's jealousy rather hot. I like alpha male characters in books and dramas (like Mo Shao Qian and Murong Feng) but in real life, they would be terrible, terrible men to date. I really want MXL to beat ZYS up though. She's the bronze medal martial artist of all of Asia. Surely she can take down ZYS if she tried...

        I feel like I'm on a roller coaster ride. I'll be laughing uproariously in one scene and then staring blankly in shock in the next... I loved that conversation where a jealous ZYS asked her why she was going back to the hotel and she said to sleep. He continued to ask "With whom? (He shei?)" and she confusedly responded "No, I don't want to drink water. (He shui)"

        Hahaha.... but in the next scene I was like O.O....

        • I wonder if Ah Shou filtered it. She seems to like these novels, Hua Xu Yin is the less ratey of the books.

          • I've been reading along with the ebook, and A'Shou hasn't censored any of the naughty scenes so far. I wonder if it's awkward while she is recording this with the guy reader because it's almost like they are reading verbal porn...

            Hopefully there isn't anyone underaged wandering around here. Wahhh, I feel so naughty reading this book. :P

  • xia0yuer:
    I loved that conversation where a jealous ZYS asked her why she was going back to the hotel and she said to sleep. He continued to ask “With whom? (He shei?)” and she confusedly responded “No, I don’t want to drink water. (He shui)”

    Hahaha…. but in the next scene I was like O.O….

    Ahahaha! That dialogue was hilarious! What was his response after she said she didn't want to drink water? :D

    • Xiaoyuer is too busy reading this addictive book so she might not have time to answer you. The juicy bit is he did something naughty to her after this question & answer sessions. If you want details, pester xiaoyuer to translate for you as my Mandarin is bad:P

      Hey xiaoyuer, you also fnished nearly half the book in a day like me:P

      • Hahaha, yeah. These are my last two days of freedom. Classes are starting next week so I'll be flying back to school this Saturday. T.T

        This book is so strangely addicting. I should be wanting to beat ZYS up for what he did to MXL, but for some reason, I can't bring myself to hate him. And I actually like it when he is super jealous... Oh, my bian tai heart, my bian tai heart...

        • Don't pretend to be shy as you like naughty books like Heavy Sweetness, Phoenix & this book:P Haha, don't feel bad as we are reading abt it only, not doing it:P

    • ZYS: "I asked, who are going to sleep with?"
      MXL: "Is there an underlying meaning to what you just said?"
      ZYS: "Did you just shower?"
      MXL: "What?"
      ZYS: "I asked, did you just shower? Is there something wrong with your ears?"
      MXL: "Yes, I did shower. How did you know?"
      ZYS: "Why?"
      MXL: "Why what?"
      ZYS: "Why did you shower?"
      MXL: "You didn't drink, why are you asking these unnecessary things?"
      ZYS touches MXL's neck: "Don't move."
      MXL: "What are you doing?"
      ZYS: "Let me look at it for a second."
      Okay, I'm not going to translate the R-rated scene, but you get the picture. ZYS knew that MXL had just showered because of the fresh scent from her skin and he jealously thought that MXL was planning to sleep with Qiao Ming Hua, so he got QMH completely drunk instead.

      Men... maybe ZYS's head is wired wrong? I don't understand how he could have treated her like that when he was interested in her but then turns into a gentleman when he realizes that he actually likes her. If he had been more gentlemanly in the beginning, he would have to make up for all his mistakes...

      Another thing that pissed me off was that he told her again and again that he wouldn't force her, that he would make sure she came to him willingly, but he still forced her in the midst of his lust-driven frenzy. To steal words out of Jin Mi's mouth: "你要是对我不人道, 那我就让你永生不得人道!" (If you do not treat me humanely, I will make sure you will not be able to be humane/have sex for the rest of your life!) Don't ask me why 'ren dao' means both humane and to have sex.

      • Ha, Men are from Mars & Women are from Venus. They don't think with their brains but with something else, you get my drift, haha..ZYS has been lonely & single for a long time so he is probably very hungry, hehe...When you are in hunger, you don't wait for your food, you ransack your fridge:P

  • Yah its a frenzy because he was totally out of his mind to do such a thing. The first time i would think that xiao liang went was purposely weak. She didn't realize until afterwards, but its the second time at that qiao ming hua's place that i was more disappointed in him. I.think he's naturally a gentleman, but what the neck went on his mind only he knows.

  • xia0yuer: I’ve been reading along with the ebook, and A’Shou hasn’t censored any of the naughty scenes so far. I wonder if it’s awkward while she is recording this with the guy reader because it’s almost like they are reading verbal porn…
    Hopefully there isn’t anyone underaged wandering around here. Wahhh, I feel so naughty reading this book.

    I know right? We should put ratings up for some of these books. I just found it awkward for them two because they both are married and the guy's wife loves reading ah shou's audiobooks. I suddenly feel like going back to read her comments. Haha

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