To Our Youth That Is Fading Away (So Young) 致我们终将逝去的青春 (致青春) by 辛夷坞 Xin Yi Wu (OE)

Zheng Wei who is filled with youthful energy, fell in love with her sweet neighbor Lin Jing gege.  But he suddenly went abroad to study without a word and did not even keep in touch. Naturally she is sad but decided to bury the love. Being a positive and optimistic girl, she won’t let it defeat her spirit so she focused on enjoying college life happily. Later, she unexpectedly fell in love with another guy, Chen Xiao Zheng who is proud and insecured. But upon  graduation, he also decided to go abroad for further study and gave up Zheng Wei.  Several years later, Lin Jing and Chen Xiao Zheng reappeared in her life again while she is struggling with work and love. Who will she finally choose?

– At 18 years old, Zheng Wei said to her friend Ruan Ruan: “Who am I? I am the invincible ‘Yumian’ small dragon. What is there that I cannot get?”

– At 22 years old, she stood on top of the hill, shouting: “United States is an evil capitalist country. I hate you ! Return my men back to me!”

– At 26-years old, a little drunk and she looked at him, “It is impossible for me to believe you again and again … ”

[Ebook][Eng Translation] [Anh có thích nước Mỹ không?][치아문종장서거적청춘]

[Audiobook] [Radiodrama]  [Movie with Eng & Viet Subtitles] [Viet audiobook][Drama]


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  • Heehee, I am interested in this book because I read there will be a movie & drama version coming out next year. Hopefully it is because it is very good. Actually the storyline sounds rather cliche. Any Hang Geng or Yuan Hong's fan here? They will be Lin Jing gege in the movie & drama version. Thus, needless to ask who will I ship:) Mark Chao is Chen Xiao Zheng. Btw I've nothing against US but the quote is just to attract your attention, haha...FYI, I don't live in US but I know nearly all or most of the scholars here live there:)

    • ok, I found out from Mookie that he went to California, but he already left. Likely to come back for filming?

      • Do they really need to spend the money to go to USA for filming as the book didn't really elaborate on life in US? Probably they wanna expand on the US bit as it is a drama with many episodes plus have some US scenes as a selling point.

  • I heard Yuan Hong went to usa already and author said he's her ideal Ling Jing. I will read this instead of reunion.

    • You definitely need to support this book because both of the male leads left the girl for USA, haha....I wonder which part of US. Keep an eye out for Yuan Hong as you might get to see him filming in the street, heehee...

      • Im in Vegas unless the he is a hotel major at unlv i won't get to see him.

        I like that quote about the America give me back my mans! Lol

        • YH is in the US? Does anyone know which city? If he's near me, I'll def try my best to stalk him =(^_^)=

  • I browse reading forums to get an idea of what books to read, and this author is very highly rated. Among her books, this is probably the most popular one so I did gave in to temptation last Sunday and read it. Only had time for the beginning and end, and kind of skipped the middle. Ahhh, no time due to starting school.

    My opinion is that this is a very good story. Highly recommended! Will definitely go back to read it more carefully when there's time. Not all her books have a happy ending so although I want to read more of her works, I'm hesitant to check them out.

    The author's writing style and the way she sets up the plot is solid. This story has a Cinderella feel, but ZW's romantic struggles are realistic enough that readers can identify with her. Between the 2 guys, I like LJ alot and am satisfied with the ending. I admit I'm a bit bias since LJ features prominently in the beginning and end of the story (the parts I read) while CXZ's relationship with ZW occurs in the middle of the story, the part I skipped. But there's enough info about CXZ in what I read to make me dislike him.

    My favorite part is at the very end when ZW talks with LJ's ex-girlfriend at the beach. The ex says that men are very cruel in that they only treasure the person they love and want to marry while other women can be easily discarded no matter how much they've done for the men. For ex: LJ can easily break up with his ex b/c he doesn't love her even if she has done a lot for him. This sounds harsh, but I feel it's usually true in real life. If only as women, all of us can be in ZW's position and on the receiving end of the affection. But there are some women who are forced into a position similar to LJ's ex, which is very unfortunate.

    • Hey, you always say you are busy but always ahead of me in your reading:( After reading your comment, this book is a must read immediately, haha.. Actually I know abt this book for quite sometime. I even recommended it to atsu & you. But I wasn't that interested because the plot sound normal & the title is too long, haha....Then yesterday I found out who will be LJ gege in the tv & movie version so my interest now has become sky high:) Somemore good ending with my LJ gege, so this book is a must read.

      Anyone know where is Yuan Hong in US? Is Hang Geng going to US to film also? Oh, why nobody come to Down Under to visit me except I saw Raymond Lam at a TVB function before only:(

      • I am totally hopeless!!!!! I keep telling myself to stop reading, but it's such a bad addiction, and I've keep having to get my next fix. After I'm done, I feel so guilty!!!

        This author is very highly rated from the book discussion forums/reviews I've read. The only book by this author I've read completely is 原来你还在这里, and I enjoyed it. I find the main guy's obsession of the main girl very romantic. However in real life, I hope I'll never meet someone crazy like him.

        Other works I know of and want to read are 晨昏, 山月不知心底事, 我在回忆里等你, and 许我向你看, but I'm holding them off b/c I read the endings aren't happy. Before I read them, I have to prepare myself first. There's one more called 浮世浮城, but not sure of the ending. In terms of happy ending, I think only the 2 I've read. My opinion so far is that I like the author's writing style and the way she sets up the plot/characters. She's not as funny as Gu Man/TQGZ, but there are enough humor and cute moments to keep the story from being dry. What is preventing me from doing a marathon of her works is the ending to some of her novels.

        • Oh, out of the 6 books you mentioned, I only manage to find 2 audiobooks:( Hey, the Viet translations are done by fans or professional? How come there are more Viet translations than audiobooks for most of the books you mentioned not only for this author? Why, why, tell me why:P? Translations are slow & hard work compared to audiobooks.

          Have some self-ctrl like me:P If you finish all the good books, you'll end up dry for the rest of the yr or the next yr, haha...We'll read a book with happy ending by this author together when you finish school. I think this author is definitely my style as I like a balance book with enough angst & humour. I don't even mind a sad ending if it is a good one. Remember this, good things will come to those who waited:P

          • I have no self-control when it comes to 3 things: (1) romance novels, (2) dramas and (3) food. I did try to my best to valiantly fight them in the beginning, but I'm now slowly coming to terms that it's better to accept and embrace my weakness XDXD

            This author is very popular, on the same level as Gu Man/TQGZ or even more? Hence I was able to easily locate the Chinese titles. All the works I've listed are done by publishing houses in Vietnam so the translations are done professionally. Then the books are released as paperbacks. I want to buy them, but the shipping is the same as the book. Meh, I'm too poor right now. My rich husband, where are you?! XDXD

            I think the author is currently working on something new called 蚀心者, and I pray, PRAY! then ending will be happy so I can read it. I like her writing style and want to read her books, but I really have a difficult time with sad endings. Unfortunately, this author doesn't shy away from a sad ending if she deems it necessary.

        • 浮世浮城 the story I posted, it has happy ending. Are you telling me that the main girl in this novel she ends up with Lin Jing? That's Yuan Hong! haha I'm happy than. I've started reading this novel too. I have another reason why I like Lin Jing, because his name has Jing and she calls him (pretend not to hear: Lin) Jing ge ge. haha

          I like it so far, like her personality. I want to get the gist of this writer's style before I read 浮世浮城 which is likely more heavy of a story. I don't mind when a novel is not as funny as TQGZ, I appreciate soul filling novel more.

          • You listening to audiobook or radiodrama? Which is better? Jing gege? Guo Jing? Lin Jing gege is also nice:P

          • ZW chooses LJ in the end so def happy ending for me. But some of the reviews I read deems the ending more bittersweet b/c it seems like she loves CXZ more? I have no idea since I didn't have time to read the middle part, which was about their college romance so have no idea how deep their relationship was. I only read how ZW & CZW met, and it was pretty hilarious.

    • lidge:
      ZW chooses LJin the end so def happy ending for me.But some of the reviews I read deems the ending more bittersweet b/c it seems like she loves CXZ more?I have no idea since I didn’t have time to read the middle part, which was about their college romance so have no idea how deep their relationship was.I only read how ZW & CZW met, and it was pretty hilarious.

      I have not finished this book but I honestly do not like either of the guy. I agree with Weiwei that LJ gege is such a coward to leave for US without keeping in touch. Even if they can't be lovers, they can still be friends. I feel that what he has done to her is really cruel. She worked hard to get to a uni which is near his uni & has high hope of them spending time together. Then he just left quietly without saying good bye:(

      As for CXZ, he is even worse ! I've to state upfront, I strongly dislike his personality. I don't like ambitious, aloof, snooty & cold guys. For me, he is a jerk. They did share the best part of their life together happily but I doubt they can have a happy ending. I am glad she realised those are happy memories to be cherished & can't be recaptured. Btw, I dislike CXZ so much to the extend I skipped a few of the chapters of them dating. I can't wait for LJ gege to rtn. Actually I feel CXZ is more of a leading role than LJ gege bcos he spent the most time with Weiwei & we know more abt him. He seems more real to me. Inspite of what I wrote abt CXZ, I do understand some ppl might ship him but not me !!!

  • Peanuts:
    You listening to audiobook or radiodrama? Which is better? Jing gege? Guo Jing? Lin Jing gege is also nice:P

    I'm listening to radiodrama, it's really actually just a better audiobook. Radio Dramas usually only 5 eps and no narrations just dialogues. The guy's voice is very nice and I like the girl voice also. Yah, Lin Jing gege is also nice, anything with gege sounds nice. ^_^

    I've decide to stop reading 且试天下 for time being and read this one along with Chong Zi. 且试天下 takes longer to post up because she puts extra effort into the sound effects. I'll wait until she has a few more chaps up or maybe wait till it's all done so I can marathon? I've stopped at a pause-able chapter where it won't effect the experience if I stopped reading and pick up later.

    • I can't download the radiodrama which I know is always better:( Anyway I am downloading the audiobook. Will reread the radiodrama online if this book is to my liking.

  • chancy426:
    Just noticed. The audiobook voices seems fine, I think I’ll stick with this than. I don’t want to go through trouble of downloading off tudou and than needing to convert flv into mp3. I’m a busy and lazy person.

    Hahaha, that makes 2 of us:P

  • lidge:
    I have no self-control when it comes to 3 things: (1) romance novels, (2) dramas and (3) food.I did try to my best to valiantly fight them in the beginning, but I’m now slowly coming to terms that it’s better to accept and embrace my weakness XDXD

    This author is very popular, on the same level as Gu Man/TQGZ or even more?Hence I was able to easily locate the Chinese titles.All the works I’ve listed are done by publishing houses in Vietnam so the translations are done professionally.Then the books are released as paperbacks.I want to buy them, but the shipping is the same as the book.Meh, I’m too poor right now.My rich husband, where are you?! XDXD

    I think the author is currently working on something new called 蚀心者, and I pray, PRAY! then ending will be happy so I can read it.I like her writing style and want to read her books, but I really have a difficult time with sad endings.Unfortunately, this author doesn’t shy away from a sad ending if she deems it necessary.

    Oh, u r really my long lost sister Lucy as I also have difficulty resisting food, novel & drama but I suspect my ctrl is slightly above u, haha....Chancy also posted a book by this author which I found is a reread. No doubt that book is good but don't reread especially modern book if there are 4 other books by this author which haven't been read.

    Ha, professional one so no wonder so many choices. You don't need a rich hubby, Just fly to Vietnam & buy all the novels. I went there 2 yrs ago. Everything is dirt cheap. I wonder when will someone translate the good Chinese novels into English professionally:(

    Btw, you don't need to waste time checking out forum for feedbacks on TVB related stuff as I am an expert:P We can exchange info as you are the book expert, hehe...Did you read 'Pls listen to my Chatters' posted by Chancy? I don't want to tempt you but you must read it. It is quite interesting, emotional & dramatic. I am still recovering fr the trauma of listening to half of the book.

  • I've decided to hiatus this book for now. I find the main girl quite annoying. I like her never fail and optimistic personality, but she's so irritating sometimes. Im where she's just realize she likes that guy she thought she hated.

    I've dropped reunion also. Right now i just picked up a very good modern read and its highly addicting. If things stay as addictive i will post it up.

    • Oh Chancy, you should give this book another try. I tried to get into this book a few times but failed:( Then yesterday, I got bored with all the Mary Sue characters in other audiobooks, I decided to give this one last try bcos of all the hype. Once I got pass a few chapters, I am on the road of no return:(

      On the surface, this story is so similar to many others I've come across or listened to. What elevate this book to the top is the author's narration & description skills. She develops her characters well & make me feel for them. Her characters are as real as you can get. They don't stay stagnant. I feel like I am growing up with them. I share their happiness & pains. Oh, Ms author, I like you. Although at times you make me wet my pillow & tug my heart, I feel that my life has been enriched with all these experiences.

      It is not all angst & tears. She does know how to use subtle humour like when the girl went on a match making date, the 1st question she asked the guy is 'Do you like USA?'. This is bcos 2 guys have abandoned her for USA:P Her style is not fluffy & sometime quite heavy as you need to think & savour what she wrote. Yet, she does manage to capture & captivate me with her words. I feel like she is the Tong Hua of modern novel, able to squeeze a lot of tears from me:(

      • I feeling so high from Caught in My Own Trap. I just finished it. It's not withdrawal, I'm just feeling so high right now, like eating too much sugar. haha Tell me, what episode was it that pushed you onto the road of no return. I need to know so I can continue this novel. I know it has to be good, but I just can't make it pass where I am.

        • Haha, then u need to eat something bitter to neutralise the sugar:) I can't remember which chapter but after CXZ left for USA, the book gets better. I am bias bcos I cannot stand CXZ. Btw, I skipped most of their dating but will relisten to them bcos I might miss some poignant moments or narrations as I don't feel much of their love r/s. When he reappears again, I wanna throw eggs at him:P

          • Who came back first? Lin Jing or CXZ?

            You've finished this book yet? Do they come back 1/2 into the drama 1/4 into the drama or 3/4 into the drama?

          • Hehe, I skipped around so can't be 100% sure. I regret skipping around but no choice as I need some sleep yet I need to listen when my LJ gege rtn:P I though I'll just listen for half an hr then sleep but thing just got out of hand, haha...I have not finished the book & wish that I can go home to finish it now:P LJ gege comes back 1st but she met CXZ again first as they work for the same organisation. LJ gege left so early & reappeared in the last quarter of the book:( I stopped at the part where he rescued her from her confrontation with CXZ.Oh, my poor heart, sob sob....Listen fr beginning to end as it is worth your time as the author is really good with her observations of life & her words are so cutting:(

  • Peanuts:
    Hehe, I skipped around so can’t be 100% sure. I regret skipping around but no choice as I need some sleep yet I need to listen when my LJ gege rtn:P I though I’ll just listen for half an hr then sleep but thing just got out of hand, haha…I have not finished the book & wish that I can go home to finish it now:P LJ gege comes back 1st but she met CXZ again first as they work for the same organisation. LJ gege left so early & reappeared in the last quarter of the book:( I stopped at the part where he rescued her from her confrontation with CXZ.Oh, my poor heart, sob sob….Listen fr beginning to end as it is worth your time as the author is really good with her observations of life & her words are so cutting:(

    What????? Talking about MIA, it means this guy barely appears. I'm starting to wonder if CXZ is the main guy now. lol I'll do this after Chong Zi dies the 2nd time. I need a breath of fresh air after each death.

    • Just like Ling gege in Yun Zhong Ge, although he barely appears, he still left an indelible image in my heart. Anyway this book is abt ZW, how she eventually lost her youthful innocence & not the guys. Oh, I don't know as each of us have different taste & experience in life but this book makes me can't stop thinking abt it:( My heart is bleeding, haha..

      • Aye~ u know, each time you say your heart is bleeding, makes me wanna read that novel your heart is bleeding for. Well, at least Jing gege has better ending than Ling gege. I'm a shallow person, the male lead has to show up more often, but I'm still gonna read this novel since it has a happy ending. The thing preventing me from continuing it right now is a dilemma, it's called too many books and those books aren't even finished. I'm not thinking about starting another incomplete book yet until at least Chong Zi or Who Get's the World finishes, but those other books being posted get's my head feeling very clustered. I'm seriously going to limit my book browsing and get myself to watch a drama right now. This is not the best state to be in for my last semester of college.

        • Haha, me also. That is why I stopped this book once LJ gege left for USA. I only picked up this book again after I ate too much sugar, haha....I know you don't really like ZW over optimistic character but slowly you'll identify better with her as she starts to grow up. One really needs optimism in order to survive in a harsh world.

          I think I've listened to most of the good modern books & will jump back to ancient books as I am starting to get sick of modern books. I am looking fwd to Mirage as I like this author. Plus got my Cgege, haha...Yah, I also need to ctrl my listening habit as I am all over the place, skipping from books to books & chapters to chapters:( I need to listen to them slowly & chapter by chapter as I can't afford to lose anymore sleep.

          • Im actually like her optimistic attitude, its actually that time in the beginning when she's going on and on about Lin Jing-gege not.answering her calls before she found out the reason. The other time was her nonstop pestering Cxz because of his pushing her. Yah, that was annoying. Bit she grows up eventually so all will be fine. Im saving this for my next modern readings. Very random, but have u watched the new tales of gisaeng (kdrama), i have link to the good Chinese dub version. That was very heart tugging drama that jerked some tears. Happy ending though. Have u watched b4?

  • chancy426:
    Im actually like her optimistic attitude, its actually that time in the beginning when she’s going on and on about Lin Jing-gege not.answering her calls before she found out the reason. The other time was her nonstop pestering Cxz because of his pushing her. Yah, that was annoying. Bit she grows up eventually so all will be fine. Im saving this for my next modern readings. Very random, but have u watched the new tales of gisaeng (kdrama), i have link to the good Chinese dub version. That was very heart tugging drama that jerked some tears. Happy ending though. Have u watched b4?

    Haha, we are really two peas in a pod as I watched Giaseng last year & shipped the OTP like mad:P Oh, pls give me the link as I saw it with English sub. Also, I fast forwarded eveything except the OTP. The last bit abt the dad seeing ghost is so ridiculous. I feel tat drama lost it momentum once they got married. I fell in love with the drama when the girl slapped that guy & asked him to knee down for forgiveness. The bonus is both of them look so compatible & good looking although they are not famous. Btw that guy is in Faith, that Lee Min Ho's drama.

    • I can totally relate to Weiwei's enthusiasm, eagerness & childishness. We are only young once, so go for it, haha....College is the final best time of one's life. Later when the harsh reality of life intrudes, you will grow up & become cautious & realistic. I think I am going crazy, reading forum on this book during lunch time, hahah...

      LJ gege repesents youthful idealism whereas CXZ represents unforgettable reality. It seems CXZ has a lot of supporters but I just can't like him no matter how 3 dimensional a character he is. Actually I find it difficult to ship either of them as one left to escape & the other to pursue a better future. But is it wrong to be selfish when the future is at stake? How long should one wait? What if you waited & he changed? What if he really come back but you've changed? Oh, all these are so complicated. I wonder if I'll feel differently abt CXZ if Hu Ge or Wallace is in that role, haha...

        • Yes, Weiwei said he is such a coward to run away. Even if it is impossible for them to be lover, can at least keep in touch & be friends. Weiwei loves CXZ more bcos they dated for quite sometime, shared many memories together & it is the most impressionable & happiest time of their life. With LJ gege, it is more like childhood crush or love for a big brother as she is too young then. Actually I find LJ gege's character rather bland, the goody type. I can understand why some ppl ship CXZ which is more interesting. But I don't like to play with fire, haha..I better finish listening tonight before I make anymore comments.

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