There are many reasons as to why you fall in love with another person. Can those Chinese medicine made from flowers, plants and insects bring the long-awaited stability and calmness to her world? How difficult is it to fall in love with another person? One hour, a few doses of Chinese medicine, a faint smile, her heart is full of admiration for that gentle and kind man.
That man saw some of her unhealthy city lifestyle and her occasional childishness, his heart becomes more indulgent, tender and a bit more responsibility. The Chinese medicine, he made for her is slowly healing the deep wounds in each other hearts.
The male lead is a patient, gentle and good Chinese medicine doctor called He Su Ye. The female lead is a white collar worker in a hotel called Shen Xi Fan. This is a nice and warm book.
[Ebook] [Audiobook][Yêu em là điều tốt nhất anh đã làm][Eng Translation][Drama][MTL Eng Translation]
I spent my holidays listening to the audiobook, pretty good so it is highly recommended. I listened up to chapter 14 so I am not sure if chapter 15 is the ending. It is not cxt8 production but with various readers & music so quite good. The chapters are uneven in length, some shorter, some longer. Anyway this is a rather short book.
The story is not exciting but interesting nonetheless. I learned a bit about Chinese medicine which is rather fascinating. The male lead is a big change from all the big bullies that Xinn Xinn has been posting lately:P He is super nice & gentle but kind of boring, haha…Anyway I like him and he deserves his number 10 spot on the top 35 male characters from chinese romance novels. The female lead is not annoying or stupid, very normal & sensible so I like her. This story feels like Gu Man’s He Yi Sheng Xiao Mo. Thus, if you like that kind of book, this one is a must read or listen.
I actually read half of the book but gave up because the plot was pretty dull, slow and boring. But I must say that the male lead is always ready to sacrifice for his loved ones. Unfortunately I didnt gain any medical knowledge because the Chinese is too profound for me to read :S
That is why you should listen to the audiobook which is more interesting. Yes, the plot is going nowhere but I am eager to know how the two of them end up together because up to chapter 14, they are still not yet officially got together bcos the guy kept on saying he doesn’t wanna pressure the girl & wanna give her time:( Then he went to a remote area for volunteer work and got injured.
Heehee I cheated because I’ve a good friend who is currently studying chinese medicine so I asked her about some of them.
Haha I prefer reading but I’m going to attempt to read and listen at the same time for Once Promised ><
The ending is happy ending right?
haha, this book was under my nose all the time, but I never picked it up to read. The one you’re reading with the various readers is it the radio drama or the audiobook? I’m saving this for plane time.
It sounds so heartwarming!
How many days are you gonna be in the plane since you are always saving them, lol? You can consider it as either since it does sound like a radio drama yet its length is more like an audiobook as I find the story flowing, not disjoint or heavily edited.
Yah, it is heartwarming but if you read it, you might end up zzzzz in the plane, haha….
Cloud&sea, I suspect it has a happy ending but I am not sure as I am on chapter 14 only, still 1 more chapter to go for the audiobook. Also, I suspect the audiobook is not yet finished.
I must be boring because I loved this story. I’m not an audiobook person but I read it all. Very sweet male lead and a likable female lead. A love story that is 淡如水 but sweet. Must be the mindset I’m in because my poor heart just doesn’t want to be tortured by things like unrequited love, revenge, horrible misunderstandings, love triangles, etc. It’s just a story about how two people met, fell in love, had butterflies and doubts (“does he really like me?” “What do I feel for him?”), got together, and fell in love. Simple, maybe boring, but my cup of tea right now and may be yours if you don’t want heartache either. 🙂
This novel was my first modern c-novel. (I used to be an ancient reader only.) I found He Yi because I was searching for something at had a similar feel to this one. I would say He Yi has a bit more “angst” than this one, although not too much. He Yi probably more “exciting” than this one too. Will probably post a more detailed review in He Yi’s section later. As a novel, this one probably isn’t as good since there really is not much plot, but it’s just a feel good novel… One to help you if you need a pick me up.
Thanks for your mini review, Hoju. This sounds nice! Now that I know it’s a happy ending, I shall put it on my reading list.
Give me five, Hoju! LOL. Welcome to SSB & I feel you’ve great taste in books just like me, lol. Yeh, there is someone who feels like me abt this book. I recommended this to Chancy & lidge but both of them complained that it is boring. I felt like a weirdo but to each its own. No doubt there is not much of a plot to this book but the leads are really very nice & normal, lol. I like to be tortured by all the things that you mentioned but at times it feels good & very smoothing to listen to an ordinary love story and learn a bit abt Chinese medicine. Variety is the spice of life:P
Btw if you like this book, you may like another book by this author which is of similar style – 时擦. I won’t write anything but leave it to Hu Ge to sell it to you, lol. I wanted to post this book but as usual, I am slack, lol. Maybe you can help me to translate the synopsis if you read the novel & also like it. The happy ending book is based on the author’s real life but the ending in reality is a sad one. I like the name of the novel, very nostalgic.
Decembi, if you want to know HE or not, ask me mah, lol. Actually this is also one of my fav audio book lol.
*virtual high 5* Thanks for the welcome, Peanuts! I know that some people were turned off by the constant Chinese medicine references in the story. I personally thought it interesting and showed that the author did her homework. I liked how each chapter was named after a Chinese herbal medicine and how it was worked into the story. It actually made me fascinated by Chinese medicine.
Don’t get me wrong. I like my fair share of angst. However, my poor heart lately has just yearned for not just a HE but a happy journey before arrival at the ending, too.
Thanks for the recommendation! I’ll put it into my to-read list.
Peanuts, I think I have sixth sense! Haha. I was thinking when I was commenting at Silent Separation, I sense peanuts going to get Hoju to write summaries soon. Hahahha! And then I see it here! Haha, peanuts you are truly SSB’s owner. Haha, ok I will definitely check with you, your brain is an encyclopedia. I have no time to read in April, though the top of my reading list now is 销魂殿 – I checked on douban, it’s a happy ending (i think).
Hey Hoju, I really like the sound of the Chinese Medicine references! I also haven’t read a simple love story in a loooong while. 🙂
Hey, don/t make it sound like I am such a hard taskmaster:( SSB is for everyone who are interested in C-novels. More books posted is beneficial to everyone:) I might as well use this opportunity to recruit contributors. Actually, anyone also can register as a subscriber with SSB but I’ve disabled that function due to the overwhelming amts of spam:( Hence, do leave me a comment if you are interested to post translated synopsis of your fav or recommended C-novels here. The novel can be from China, Taiwan, HK etc. as long as it is in Chinese. The novel needs not have an audio book. All you need to write is a translated short synopsis and a few lines of comment/review.
I think I read the summary for 销魂殿 b4. If I remember correctly, it has my pet hate, teacher & student r/s lol. I can confirm it has happy ending but there is a plot device which I don’t like. This is just a matter of personal preference. You may have read abt it but if not you better do so b4 you jump in.
Ahahaha! Peanuts you are right! Your memory is AMAZING. It is a teacher-student relationship, though everyone on douban seems to crush the second senior? The plot device is time travel right? Haha. I don’t really like these aspects, but decided to read it because someone said that it’s one of 十四郎(Shi Si Lang) better novels. I try to mix things up and read stranger plots – I think this will be my first shi fu tu di (master disciple) book!
I actually read this book some time ago last year.
After reading this book, I actually thought having a herbalist as a bf is pretty sweet.>< drinking the herbal tea stuff would actually taste sweet in your heart if the recipe was written by him. haha
Ooohhh…I love this sweet love story……like hoju said…no angst…just a sweet love story about two people getting over past loves and loving each other slowly and gently………
But how cool to have a dr for a spouse… worries about health issues…hahaha…..
But questions…….does xi fan’s 师兄 like her as well? I suspect he does…….
I just finished reading this book. I like the story and the Chinese medicine references. It’s fresh and different from the other novels. If my doctor is good looking and nice like the main guy, I’m willing to go to the hospital everyday. Haha