Warm Chord (Here to Heart) 温暖的弦 by 安宁 An Ning (HE)

This book tells a story about eternal love. This young and immature but profound love that even a cruel break up cannot change.  They took a decade yet still cannot heal their injured hearts. Even though they have found new companions, they are still unable to quell their empty and lonely hearts. Who will make the first move to lure the other back? The love between men and women is like a war. Just a smile, a kiss or a confession and you will surrender. But he immediately announced his marriage with another woman. Is this love or revenge? Ten years ago, she suddenly disappeared without a word. This caused him immense pain throughout the years, so is he seeking revenge? This so-called everlasting love, perhaps is really no match for the hatred that developed with the passing of time?

[Ebook][Radiodrama till 8] [Huyền của Ôn Noãn][Audiobook][New Audiobook][Drama]


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  • I listened to 5 minute of the trailer & feel that the radio drama is quite good. I think it is abt 3 hrs only so they must have edited a fair bit of the book. I think the radiodrama link is incomplete but I've downloaded & converted all 9 files from tudou into MP3. If anyone is interested, I can email them to you.

  • My bad, peanuts. I've read this already...hehe. So sorry I didn't recognize it when you asked me. Can't remember much though since it's been a long time ago and don't have time to re-read it at this moment. From what I can recall, OK story though.

    I know it's a happy ending. I think the main guy is a CEO or chairman of a corporation? The story begins with a selection for the position of his secretary or something. Several employees are nominated, and the main girl is chosen. Then we later find out that they used to date each other.

    The most vivid thing I remember in this story is the main girl asking the main guy whether he purposely chose her to be his secretary. He denies it, saying that when they first met again, she acted indifferent towards him so he thought she didn't have any feelings left for him. Plus, he doesn't allow personal feelings to interfere with business matters. Other ppl chose her thinking she was the best candidate, and he accepted their decision.

    That's all I remember...hehe (blushes in shame)

    • If you can't remember much then I guess it is an average book. Anyway I can't find an audio book on it but a radio drama which is rather short. I think I can finish this book in no time so you don't need to give me any spoiler:) Haha, you read so many books, I can't expect you to remember everyone. I know you only remember the best & the most hilarious:) Thanks for the summary.

  • You know how to send big files as yahoo & google said my files too big:( If not, I'll find a way to send you later when I've more time to research.

  • Me too!! Me too!! My email is angelicpianist@gmail.com. Peanuts, do you know what you are doing to my sleep schedule with all the new books you are introducing? As in, I have read some of everything, gotten no sleep, and all my plot lines mixed up. But I love you for it!! Thank you!!

    • Send you & Chancy tomorrow as my bed/audio time soon:P I posted all those books to lure you out of hiding, wahaha...Aiya, who asked you to be so greedy:P? Read one by one slowly bcos they are all good:) Anyway I've not read most of those books I posted:P Read slowly & come often to rant & rave with us:)

      • U ever need to go eat an extra snack before you sleep after your readings? I go to bed after dramatime and dinner and listen to an hour and find my self getting hungry. Lol

        • Me too, me too! I'm always so hungry after I listen, especially when the characters start eating in the story.

          I'm trying to read slowly too! In fact, I think I lag way behind all of you guys. But I'm trying.... hehe

      • I still love sleep more. I have more self controlling because afraid will read away all these books. Should sip these book like tea and not gulp it down like water.

        • Don't worry. If you have finished all the books posted, I'll post more just for you, lol. I just had a big slice of birthday cake so I feel sleepy now:(

    • With the speed that you are reading, I don't think there will be anymore good translated books left for you to read:P Haha, I know you like to reread the sweet & hilarous books, so do I:) I'll relisten to cute & funny books with good readers. Btw, you can't understand Mandarin? I feel listening to audio books is more enjoyable than reading. The only shortcomings are sub-std readers & limited choices.

      • I don't know Mandarin, peanuts. Vietnamese originated from Chinese so the 2 languages are quite similar (like French/English) so sometimes I can guess the meaning of Chinese words. For example: "fleur" in French is "flower" in Eng. Likewise with Chinese & Viet. For example: "gege" in Chinese is "ca ca" in Viet.

        It's easier for me to decipher Chinese if I have some context to work with. For example....
        -For Let Me Look At You, the guy names are Vu Vũ & Hàn Thuật. I didn't know their names in Chinese, but when you talked about Wu Yue and Han Shu, it was easy for me to make the connection.
        -For Mirage, Chi Chen in Chinese = Trì Trừng in Viet; Zhao Xun Xun in Chinese = Triệu Tuần Tuần in Viet. See, very similar.

        The problem is I must see the Chinese words in pinyin (can't read characters) before I can make the connection back to Viet. This doesn't work the other way though since I don't know Chinese, I can't look at Viet words and know what they are in Chinese.

        • My Mandarin sucks:( I learned it by watching tv eg Princess Returning Pearl etc. But I can speak Cantonese fluently so I can understand & speak to Bosco, heehee:P

          Oh, Viet utilises the alphabets & is based on pinyin. Easier for me to learn Viet than Chinese to read novels:P Btw, easier to scan the book & post PDF or scan then copy & paste than type out the whole book. What is Let me Look at U in Viet? I'll see if it is available in the library or bookshop. If I can find it, I'll scan for you.

          • Me too. I can scan too if i find in my libraries.

            I also understand a language called theochew dialect in China that is used by some Vietnamese and Malay and Indonesian its closer to Vietnamese and Taiwanese so sometimes i can guess what some Vietnamese people are saying.

            Feel like going to one more library today to see if they have more popular books. Can't find a single tonghua or tangqi book. Did find there will be an angel who would love u for me. Its happy ending and has audiobooks so imma try reading with book in hand. Have a feelings ill be too concentrated on following the text character by character and lose out on what's happening. Lol

  • Hey Atsu & Chancy, I've sent you the radio drama MP3 files. I've finished listening to half of it. The story is quite typical but the radio drama is very good with lots of sound effects, nice music & songs & most importantly great voices !!! The length is perfect to sustain my interest & short attention span. I am spoiled:( I can't listen to any audiobook with a single reader unless it is read by my few fav readers fr cxt8. I need a man to sound like a male & a woman to sound like a female so a pair is a must, a trio is good & 2 pairs are a bonus.

    • Thank you, Peanuts! Been so busy with classes starting again, so I've been so slow to reply to you. Thank you!!

  • Chancy426:
    Me too. I can scan too if i find in my libraries.

    I also understand a language called theochew dialect in China that is used by some Vietnamese and Malay and Indonesian its closer to Vietnamese and Taiwanese so sometimes i can guess what some Vietnamese people are saying.

    Feel like going to one more library today to see if they have more popular books. Can’t find a single tonghua or tangqi book. Did find there will be an angel who would love u for me. Its happy ending and has audiobooks so imma try reading with book in hand. Have a feelings ill be too concentrated on following the text character by character and lose out on what’s happening. Lol

    What is the name of the book in Chinese? Is the storyline or the audiobook good?

    • 会有天使替我爱你. it's a very popular novel, but the author said she shed the most tears for that book over all the books she's written. I peaked at the author's note at the end and it says it's a happy ending. I just want to read this book because it has audiobook. She's not exactly my most favorite author. I read her "The Flame's Daughter" and wanted to pull my hair out at the end even thought it was the ending I wanted, it's just what I wanted the most didn't happen. I just wanted a simple confession! Girl, he died 3 times for you, can't you just tell him that you did like him even a little?

      • Ming Xiao Xi (明曉溪) has written quite a few books, I think, but I've only read 会有天使替我爱你 and bits of 泡沫之夏. From what I can remember (hopefully I'm thinking of the correct story...hehe), I thought 会有天使替我爱你 was unnecessarily way too dramatic. The twist in the story is good though, very surprising!! If based on just these 2 works, I the author is Qiong Yao's long-lost sister.

      • I tried the audio book bcos got 2 readers but they are average only. I only listened to 5 mins & lost interest:( Do they get better? The storyline sound familiar. Was there a drama on it? I am not starting this unless you tell me it is fantastic as I've too many better one waiting for me:)

        EEEEEE I am allergic to Aunty Qiong Yao. I admit I grew up watching her weepy dramas with my mum:) But time has changed & so have I. My taste is more refined now so I can't go back to her:P

  • Peanuts:
    But I can speak Cantonese fluently so I can understand & speak to Bosco, heehee:P

    Peanuts, you can have a go at Bosco now since he's single. Too bad I don't know Mandarin/Cantonese. Guess you're ahead of me again due to technicality, eh peanuts? XD

    What is Let me Look at U in Viet? I’ll see if it is available in the library or bookshop. If I can find it, I’ll scan for you.

    Me too. I can scan too if i find in my libraries.

    Thanks so much for the offer, you guys! Really nice of you!♥♥
    But it's too much trouble so it's OK. Maybe the girl typing the story (or God?) heard my prayers and just updated 2 more chaps. I have to write tons of essays this semester, and writing is my weakness so really must stop reading actually....haha.

    • I go to HK often & my friend knows where Bosco lives, wahaha..but no thank you, you can have him:) He is too playful, makes me feel insecured:( I need someone like LJ who can take good care of me:P You don't need to say anything, just look at Bosco adoringly, lol.

      After you finish college, drop me a msg if you need any book that you can't live without & I'll try to get u a scan or hard copy:)

  • Started on the voice drama for it. I had such a shock when I was parking in the parking lot this morning. There was a LOUD car honking in the story and I freaked out. Luckily it wasn't on the road, I was like what what? what happened? who honked at me? than I realized it's in the drama. haha

    I must say, I'm very lost. Is there any history between her and her boss?

    • They used to date. He was a friend of her elder sister? Don't remember why they broke up. She's now dating the boss of a rival company. There's a funny convo where he asks why she's working in his company instead of her boyfriend's. She says it's because the rival company paid her a lot of money to spy on his company....haha

  • I just finished reading this book. I like. Thanks Peanuts for recommending me this book.
    But sometimes I really want to strangle the male lead. He always wants her to comeback by his sides from her own will but he always acts intimate with the other girl. But I'm also moved by all the things he did for her (the house, her necklace (that costs a lot, but I like it not because of its value but the fact that he scares to lost her one more time, now he can find her even if she's in the space), when he bought the factory to research the medecine to cure her disease...)
    But I had the 2nd lead syndrome. He is just the best buddy.
    It's a great book, but too much "you must to prove that you love me", "I don't want to be hurt again".

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