My Heart Will Never Betray You/ Nuptial Chamber, Next Door 知我如你,情深不负/ 洞房花烛, 隔壁 by 叶落无心 Ye Luo Wu Xin (HE)

In the Presidential suite of an international hotel, in order to save her fiancé from jail, she was forced to accept a trade between sex and power, and this partner is the man she hates most, Ye Zheng Cheng.

Three years ago, they were both in a foreign country, attending the same medical university. Coincidentally, their apartments were only separated by a single wall. During the night of a violent wind and rainstorm, alcohol let them throw away the chains of reason, his love seems like suddenly lit fireworks, dazzling and resplendent.

However, the brilliance of fireworks last only a short moment. The marriage certificate of Ye Zheng Cheng  and another woman crushed her illusions of love. From now on, the word “love” became the most painful nightmare of her midnight dreams.

Three years later, fate let her and Ye Zheng Cheng reunite. She learned a surprising secret. It turns out that Ye Zheng Chen’s marriage had a secret…

[Ebook] [Động phòng hoa chúc sát vách][Machine Translation & Edited]


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  • What's that other book called? I like the whole beg ex to save fiance concept. Is it business setting? Why she need his help? Money?

  • The other book is called 洞房花烛,隔壁. The first 2 chapters are really addictive & mysterious but there are flashbacks. I know you don't like flashbacks but I find it ok bcos it took place in Japan, one of my fav country:P The story is something like Chatters. Her finance is detained on corruption charges and her ex is the only one who can save him. As the saying goes, there is no free lunch in the world, so you can guess how the story will develop. She is a doctor. So far on chapter 5, it is not really a must read book but I am reading bcos I need something angsty to even out my super happy mood, lol. Anyway, I quite like this author's style, a good mixture of angst & humour.

  • Is the author 叶落无心? If so, I don't think 洞房花烛,隔壁 is new, peanuts. Maybe a reprint? When you first mentioned it, I immediately thought of something I had read previously. Now that you've listed the title, I compared it to the book I though of. The Chinese characters of the two books are the same.

    From what I remember of the story, the main guy/main girl study in Japan and are neighbors. I think he studies something related to medicine research, can't remember what she studies. Read it long ago so don't remember the story well, but one detail I remember is that he changes expensive cars often. I think the main girl begs the main guy to save her boyfriend, and the main guy appears to agree. I think it's later that we find out that the boyfriend has been OK all along without needing the main guy's help.

    I really like this author and have read 9 or 10 of her books. Some of them I really, really love!! I wanted to talk about her previously but didn't know her name in Chinese. Will talk about her books I really love when have more time. I have 3 essays due on Friday and only done with 1 so far! Ay Caramba!!

  • Aiya, you never recommend me any author or book. I've to dig them out myself. Hehe, I understand lah. You are super busy with essays. So quickly finish them so we can exchange our love for this author & some other authors & books. I feel very lonely ar, lol. Chat with you on Sat, your rest day since I'll need a few days to finish this book.

    Wah, she wrote so many books ! When can I sleep:P? I saw the publishing date as March 2012 so I though no way there will be a Viet translation so fast. Now, I checked back that the novel was actually written as an internet novel in 2010. Arrrgh, we've such similar taste in books, it is scary:P I like this book. The storyline is quite cliche but the way the author wrote it make it a comfortable & addictive read for me. Oh, this book is one of her most popular book as I found it on one of those top 100 rankings. Aiyoyo, I am a smart reader:P I sort of know what is the occupation of the male lead but will read on to confirm.

  • Despite the premise, the story is actually quite different from Chatters. Although the main male is somewhat manipulative and have a possessive streak a mile wide, he is more likeable than Zhao Yi Shan. At least to me, he is.

    I personally liked this novel, and was quite addicted throughout the story. It could have been a lot shorter since they had so many breakup, makeup moments, but it was cute. Other than the main leads, the other characters don't get developed very well. There is a lot of flashbacks, but the occasional glimpse back into the future keep it entertaining.

    I totally blame Peanuts for making me finish this book in a day and a half. Jk, jk. I kept procrastinating on my homework, my essay, and my sleep. Before this I was trying to read Rabbit, which is cute and fluffy, but the moment she mentioned an angstier book, I had to try it. Now I can't get back to it even though I'm halfway done. Oh well, I'm off to look for something else to read now, maybe by the same author.

  • Oh skyblu, u beat me:( I change my mind & plan to post this book at the weekend once I finish it. Never mind, I can save some time now:) When I wrote my comments, I've only read abt 5 chapters. After reading further I like this book better. I started this book first but you finished it faster than me, boo hoo hooo....I wanna stop working & go back to uni so I'll have time to read more books:P

    I am only on Chapter 35, nearing the end of the Japan flashbacks. Did you read all of the end of chapter comments by the author? She is so funny & wrote she is also sick of the flashbacks so gonna quickly jump back to the present. Yah, I got tired of the endless makeups & in fact skipped some of them, lol. Lidge said she read abt 10 books by this author. I wonder which other book is good. Tell me which one you are reading & whether it is good so I can follow you this time:)

    Ye Zheng Cheng is normally not the kind of male lead I'll ship. At the beginning, I find him too forceful, arrogant & flirty. But his love & devotion to the female lead slowly won me over. I couldn't believe someone so in ctrl & discipline can do so many stupid things for love, lol. Arrrgh, all the male leads in the novels I read are so lovable, heehee...Bcos the book is written fr the 1st person point of view, I feel like I am the female lead, lol. When she is happily dating YZC, I share her feeling but when they broke up, it feels like my heart is broken, haha...

  • Boo i don't wanna go to rock climbing class, but i have to since need that credit to graduate. When i come back i am going to start this book.

  • Hey Chancy, peanuts has good taste in modern books & I think never read or will never read books with sad ending:P I normally check the ending first b4 I start the book so in future you can assume the books I post or recommend are all HEA:). Btw skyblu, I am only on chapter 50 of rabbit. It is very sweet & funny but I kind of got bored so started this book & never look back:P

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