Really, Really Miss You (Love Me, Love My Voice) 很想很想你 by Mo Bao Fei Bao (HE)

He is a celebrity in the professional dubbing and voiceover industry. His actual career is a mystery. He does not do much networking or socializing.

Because of a one unexpected event, he began introducing new foods and dishes to her every night. That alluring voice described to her how to prepare dish after dish, and little by little, completely charmed her in.

[Ebook][Eng Translation] [Rất nhớ rất nhớ anh][Radiodrama][흔상흔상니][Drama]


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  • OMG! ( ⊙ o ⊙ ). I haven’t been smiling like a silly girl over a love story in a while. My heart literally fluttered and I got butterflies in my stomach in some parts of this by the absolute sweetness in this story. LOL. Thanks to cloudandsea for the awesome recommendation.

    Our male and female lead are in the online entertainment circle, he on the dubbing side and she on the music cover side. The circle is one where physical appearance is generally anonymous and you are known by your online handle and your voice. Gu Sheng, a relatively unknown online singer who goes by the handle Sheng Sheng Man and who specializes in cover songs of ancient-style music, is a huge fan of Qiang Qing Ci, a very famous and well-loved CV (character voice) artist (i.e. dubber, voiceover artist). It was like, love at first listen.

    One morning, she was chatting with a friend in her online “room” when his voice suddenly appeared in her headset, describing to her in detail how to prepare a food dish she had been talking about. This began their online chats about food. Gu Sheng can scarcely believe that she is talking to her idol, and he seems to be trying to progress the relationship further.

    顾声 Gu Sheng (online handle: 声声慢 Sheng Sheng Man):
    Fourth year university student. Talented online singer and composer of ancient-style music, but relatively unknown. She is a “good girl,” easily embarrassed , somewhat oblivious in the love department.

    莫青成 Mo Qingcheng (online handle: 锖青磁 Qiang Qing Ci):
    26-ish years old, doctor in real life. As a CV artist, he is low-key, well-respected, and basically a legend. His fans are rabid and his voice is adored by tens of thousands. In real life, he is handsome, gentle, warm, persistent in love… all-round perfect. This author seems to create male-leads that I adore… just the right combo of manliness with gentleness (wen rou) to his love. I think, he wins in the department of "most romantic" when he is courting Gu Sheng.

    The author stated that this was a “fun” story that she created to satisfy her love for food and ancient style 古风 music. (Right up my alley! I LOVE FOOD!) There is no angst. It’s a novel about a boy pursuing and courting the girl he likes, how they fall in love, first with each other’s voice and then with each other as a person. This novel feels to me a bit like a cross between Loving You is the Best Thing I Ever Did and, as cloudandsea also noted, One Smile is Very Alluring. Similar to Loving You, where each chapter was the name of a Chinese herb, each section of this novel is the name of a food dish. Interaction between the leads in the first half or so feels like One Smile with a lot of online chats, although, since this novel is very new (completed Aug/2013), it is much more up-to-date on the current Chinese online culture – weibo, YY, 5sing, tieba, QQ. If you’re not familiar with this popular culture like I was, the reading may be a bit confusing at first. It uses slang, emoticons, etc. in the writing, making the style feel very modern and fun. Also like One Smile, you get the hilarious circle of friends who like to throw in their commentary. But the romance is more like Loving You – heart-warming, cute, warm, warm, warm. *insert my high-pitch squeal*

    There are lots of scenes where a song is mentioned or sung by the one of the characters, and the lyrics are written out. I would look up the song (most of them are on Youtube) and play it while I read the scene. It set the mood and gave a completely different reading experience. For example, in the first face-to-face meeting between our leads (sparks were already flying), they were coerced (well, Gu Sheng was... MQC was ready and willing) into recording a cover for 上邪, a song which tells a story about a princess and general who are deeply in love but ultimately separated by war, political marriage, and death. ( Now, listen to this and imagine the two leads in a dark recording studio, staring into each other’s eyes as they sing out the love story and then Mo Qingcheng saying in his seductive voice, “Never will I cease to love you.”

    With all the songs, this story could make an awesome radio drama. Someone tell me if it happens because I’ll listen for sure. This story has made me a complete fan of古风 music。

    If I have one complaint about the novel, it’s that the ending might feel abrupt, like the romance hadn’t developed to a satisfactory place of maturity for the story to end. Hopefully, when the novel is published and the author includes the epilogues she promised, that will be fixed.

    My summary: I’m buying this for sure when it is published in hard copy. I will be reaching for it over and over again when I want to feel happy. ☺

  • Oh, this book sounds fun. I love Gu Man's One Smile Is Very Alluring, so I'll definitely want to read this. Thank you for the Viet link.

    Never heard of this author, but if this book is as good as you say, then I will become a fan of her. :D

  • Correction: The Viet ebook posted above is the wrong one. That is an ebook to a different story by the same author. The correct Viet title of this book is "Rat Nho, Rat Nho Anh". However, I can only find an incomplete Viet translation of this story. It's really too bad, I really want to read this. :(

  • Ok, changed the Viet link. My assistant was reading the other book so she gave me the wrong link. You can give the other book a try even though it is not posted here. According to my Viet friends, this author is very popular in Vietnam.

    I am of 2 minds as I am pretty interested in this book but I feel it'll make a fantastic audio book if done well. However as of now, no audio book or radio drama in sight so should I wait or not?

  • True, this book will make a great audiobook. I've read up to chapter 3 and I'm already hungry. All the wonderful dishes describe by Qiang Qing Ci is mouthwatering. :P

    I think both leads have passed each other by in real life except they did not know it yet. He works at a hospital near her family store, I think. :D

    Oh, I will definitely check out that other story too. It is actually shorter and the translation is complete.

  • OMG! You are so right! This story has made me an ardent fan of ancient style music too. I especially love the beautiful voice of Dong Zhen. If this story ever get made into an audiobook, they will have to pick someone with an amazing voice to play the male lead. I want to swoon over his voice too. :P

    I'm only at chapter 8 but I'm already falling for our male lead, Sheng Sheng Man. Too bad this story is not that popular. It definitely needs more fans.

  • Do you mean Qiang Qing Ci? Or Toupai, as everyone lovingly calls him? He's on my top 3 male leads list right now. <3

    I'm not sure how popular MBFB is... definitely not Tong Hua or Gu Man type of popularity. This novel is a favorite among this author's fans.

    So... I decided to dust off my translator's hat and translate the scene in the recording studio I was describing above. Will post up soon...

  • Temptation, temptation, lol. Must put a temporarily ban on hoju from posting anymore books bcos she always messes up my weekend plan, lol. Since the male lead managed to lure hoju out of retirement to translate, I must get my hand on him as soon as possible, lol. Okay, I gonna finish off Ding Mo & proceed to MBFB at the weekend since it'll also be my first time reading her novel. I've high hope so this better don't disappoint me or else I gonna post my ranting later:P Hey hoju, who are the other 2 top males?

    MBFB is popular especially with the Viet as well as the Chinese. Otherwise, how could she earn the honour of writing Silent Separation's script with Gu Man? I am sure the script will be satisfying but I am worried abt the casting for that drama:(

    Xinn, hand-off, go & continue to drool on your lecherous big boss, lol.

  • Oops... sorry. LOL. I just finished another of MBFB's novels and was going to post this weekend. But, I don't think it's your type, so it shouldn't mess up next weekend's plans for you. ;) I do have an easy-to-read boss-subordinate novel for you for when you're not busy.

    My top 3 male leads in no particular order: Gu Pingsheng, He Suye, and Mo Qingcheng/Qiang Qing Ci/Toupai, although the latter might be edging to the lead right now.

  • Oops! My mistake. Yes, I mean Qiang Qing Ci aka Toupai. Sheng Sheng Man is our female lead. Lol.

    Qiang Qing Ci is the ideal man. He's a doctor that can cook and sing. His voice can make girls swoon all over the place. :D

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