Love of Another Time Like Clear Water, Billowing Ripples 异时空情恋清水漪澜 by 苍痕鸢陌 Cang Hen Yuan Mo

 In an effort to forget the love that she lost, Yue Tian Ling, an outspoken and sensitive young girl, hid herself in a remote town by the sea in order to seek back her once happy self. An ancient artifact in the shape of a purple butterfly brings her into an alternate universe and another historical period, the ShengJing Dynasty. In this alternate space, Yue Tian Ling meets the handsome and extravagant Yu Yin Chen Xuan, the ethereal Jin Ping Pei Sheng, and the fiery Jing Ye Ming He. Three outstanding young men whom she meets in peculiar ways, they are like the wind that rushes past the heart while she is that clear pond, rippling and ebbing with the wind. Despite owning the duplicate identities of the proud nvxia Fei Xian Lian Xue and successful businesswoman Mu Yun Ling Shao, but what of love? Can things happen her way? Thus, you love and are hurt, you forsake and are enticed. When can she laugh and dissipate like clouds?



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  • Hey guys! I forgot how to post links on wordpress so I just attached the URL. Has anyone tried reading this? I'm pretty much all caught up to around 96 in Who Gets the World so I did some shopping and came upon this. It's alright so far, but I'm only in the twenties. I know everyone and our grandmas are all tired of the time travel trope, but we get past that in the first two or three chapters and after that it's quite fun. Tian Ling is rather a hoot and quite loveable, like a mini, clueless BFX.

  • Haha, no need to post link as we all know where to dig out the audiobook:P Wah, u r such an Abu's fan, lol. Hey, this book got good ending or not? 3 guys, what if I ship the wrong one:(? Oh no, got 200 chapters:( I never tried this but I think Chancy did. If u recommend I'll listen:) I plan to start 凡女仙葫 which is also very long:( Hey, I tut u r busy with college:P?

    Arrrgh, u stopped at around the same spot as me, chapter 96. Also, why u stole my Bai Feng Xi:P I stumbled upon the ending of Who Gets the World on Sun when I was reading awesome male leads in novels:( This makes me love Lan Xi & the book even more:)

    Btw atsu, give Wrong Sparkle a try if u need something light & modern, highly recommended although the audiobook is an edited & summarised version of the book which is such a pity:(

  • Haha, I'm only a passive mini fan compared to you guys :) I actually really like Xiao Meng's voice and her choice of books but collectively when she reads solo it puts me to sleep. It's much better with another reader.

    I don't know about the ending but so far it's really sweet without being too stupid. It's pretty clear which guy you should ship from the start and I think he's your type, Peanuts! I liked the other guy more though. But that's only so far. There are a lot if guys though...more than just three but I think there are three main ones. It's less serious than Chong Zi but Ling'er has a lot of pluck.

    When is Cherry going to release the Shu Ke book? I'm getting impatient :) and BFX is all yours...I'm not going to steal from you...I'll just take Yu Wu Yuan!

    I am busy with school! But I missed you guys and I keep reading as a detox method. I will give Wrong Sparkle a try next :)

  • I just downloaded 50 chapters of this onto my phone. I'll start listening tomorrow! Does anyone want to write a quick summary?

  • Since xiaoyuer has downloaded, I gonna start downloading & listening today:P Hey, I am also a passive fan:) Xiao Meng's book are really long. I shouldn't have looked at the pictures of the readers:( Xiao Meng looks really nice & kind but I kept on thinking she looks more like Abu's elder sis or mum so have a hard time shipping them in an audiobook, lol. Btw, I read someone asking Abu who Tian Ling will end up with & he replied, she ends up with him, hahah.....Are u sure she gonna end up with the guy I ship? Don't make me end up crying buckets:(

    I can't resist & continue with Who Gets the World till chapter 99:( Arrrrgh, Hei Feng Xi had a confrontation with his dad in chapter 97 & 98. He is really not a nice guy like what Bai Feng Xi said:( But it is understandable why he turned out this way. Anyway, he is one smart guy, haha...Is it the King or Bai Li Queen who poisoned his mum? So sad that he doesn't feel any hatred bcos he can't feel:( Things are getting excited bcos he & Huang Chao are kings now. Let the battle begins........

    Abu isn't happy with the reading he did half a yr ago so he gonna redo all his parts so the book release will be delayed:( Oh, Abu is such a perfectionist & is really professional. I read spider apologised for the poor quality of the first 20 chapters of his newly released book which he'll improve on in later chapters. I was thinking he should have re-record like Abu since he knows they are sub-std.

  • Xiaoyuer, we've missed you!

    From what I've read (which is almost up to 60, I think?) - the story begins with the disappearance of Yue Tian Ling, the young heiress of the Xin Yue Corporation. Her pictures are all over the news as her guardian Yin Ying Hao is looking for her. The truth is, she hid herself away in a remote, seaside town because she was in love with her guardian who was going to be married to the girl that he loved. She is standing on a cliff when a purple butterfly (which is apparently one of Ying Hao's gifts to her) and a gust of wind bodily teleports her to an alternate dimension. Specifically, to a fictional Sheng Jing Dynasty and even more specifically, in the middle of a 妓院. Wacky time travel aside, the beginning is decent.

    She is sold into the 妓院 but manages to escape with the help of a girl named Rulan and a nuxia named Xianyun Ruoyu. She wanders around as a beggar for a while until she is picked up by Lady Jiang, who recognizes her as her lost daughter, Jiang Ying Er. But Tian Ling knows she's not Ying Er because she was bodily teleported, and not just in spirit. She can't convince anybody that she's not Ying Er and so she decides to stay for a bit and refuel before she leaves again.

    One day, old Lord Jiang brings a really important guest into their home, a very, very handsome guy named Yu Yin Chen Xuan. Lord Jiang is trying to set up Chen Xuan and his "daughter" and so he arranges for him to sleep in her quarters without his daughter knowing. The result is pretty funny as he thinks that she's plotting and scheming to sleep with him, just like her dad wanted, while she thinks he's a pervert. That same night, Tian Ling flees the Jiang residence.

    But she has bad luck, apparently, and runs into YYCX again on a hill. She thinks he's going to jump off the cliff and commit suicide and tries to save him but ends up falling off with him. It turns out, he was just diving off for fun and he ends up caring for her for a few days. At first, he thought that she had motivation to get close to him, but once he realized that she had no real martial arts skills, he was pacified. They separate and go their own ways, but Tian Ling ends up saving another guy, Yin Ying Fan, who looks just like the guy she was in love with in her time.

    In order to repay her, YYF takes her to Zhuo Ran Mountain, where he stays with who else but Yu Yin Chen Xuan and the four Leiting bodyguards. She gets into a lot of trouble and helps a lot of people at the same time. To name a few important happenings: she gets close to Leiting Jing Yun and helps him understand his mother and overcome his abhorrence of women and he falls in love with her and becomes the silent bodyguard type (he's super sweet!), she rescues a girl named Gu Meng Yan from a prostitution house and she becomes her maid, she also discovers that YYCX was once crazy in love with a girl named Shen Xing Qing, but she disappeared, and she tries to help him get over that but he ends up falling in love with her. She wins a sort of special prize as a wedding gift for Yin Ying Fan and his fiancee (who looks just like the girl that YYH was marrying in modern times) and ends up getting a lot of attention. She was kidnapped by a ladykiller and tries hilariously unsuccessfully to escape but is found and rescued by a beautiful young man named Jin Ping Pei Sheng (I LOVE THIS GUY! He's like Meng Jiu 2.0 deluxe) and he likes her. He asks his friend Xianyun Ruoyu to teach Tian Ling some self-defense but Ling'er misinterprets their relationship to be love. Pei Sheng went home to retrieve a special jade lotus which is traditionally used by the leader of his people to court the girl that they love and Tian Ling never tries to communicate her misunderstanding, and so they miss out on each other. But during this time YYCX is really kind to her and she realizes how much she depends on him. He tricks her into getting her to basically confessing to loving him and they get together. But then a Princess comes to visit them and bullies and Tian Ling, who misunderstands the relationship between YYCX and the Princess. Both of the girls are injured and it turns out that Tian Ling has a special neigong that is protecting her. There's yet another misunderstanding and Tian Ling runs away but is captured by bandits taking revenge for one of the greedy rich old lords that Tian Ling had undone. And she wakes up in a strange little hut with a strange old lady.

    That's...a very general gist of things so far. I'm sorry I'm so bad a summarizing succinctly. I'm actually glad that things went south for her and YYCX because I wanted her to get out into the world and become the nuxia and smart business lady that she's supposed to become. And we've still yet to meet one more important guy. She's so spritely and funny its hard not to like her, although its hard to believe that so many guys like her. I found the story more convincing that Ge Jin Tao Hua (at least, the beginning of it). There are lots of short adventure plots. Not a really grand or great piece of work (like Chong Zi or Who Gets the World), but sweet and endearing (at least for me!)

  • Ah, one warning about the audiobook - Xiao Meng's sound effects for any screaming scenes are a bit...over, I think. It sounds like the character's being murdered when she's actually screaming from fright. It's a bit jarring at first but then she stops using it :)

    Peanuts :) I'm not sure if she'll end up with the guy you ship, but I can guess who she'll end up with based on what I've read so far. I don't know if you'll like it but its definitely less serious than Who Gets the World.

    Argh...I don't know whether to like Abu's perfectionism or hate it because I want to read the book now....

    I've decided to stop at 96 for Who Gets the World at least for a bit since there's a lull in the plot. Going to continue when more chapters are released :) I can't stand cliff hangers! (I still ship BFX with YWY by the way. HFX is cool but not really my type.) I wish I could like Huang Chao more but I don't know...maybe it's the voice that makes him less swoony. I wish his "love" for BFX could be more compelling. I say "love" because I don't think Huang Chao loves anyone besides power.

    You know what I really dislike about Xiao Meng's works though? It's the fact that she uses the same piece of music over and over for every single episode, no matter the mood. So if it's a tense scene (like Miao Xuan's attempted assassination at the beginning of Six Flowers) or a funny scene (like a lot of Yin Luo's lines from the same book) it all sounds the same. Just flat. And the combination with her wispy, breathy voice just puts me to sleep. Thankfully in this one I just posted, she changes up the music a bit more often, and having Abu to break up the wispiness is a nice change.

  • Oh, thank u atsu very much for writing such a good summary:) It sounds really interesting that I can't wait to start listening to it ASAP:P So happy I've something to look fwd to while waiting desperately for my World to end, heehee.. Btw, Ge Jin Tao Hua is really bad at the beginning till I gave up but bcos of xiaoyuer's summary, I continued. I am sure this audiobook is better with Abu's voice, haha...

    I think & I think u think I'll ship YYCX, right:P? Is she gonna end up with YYCX? I think she'll go back to modern times in the last few chapters. Oh, I like this kind of book where the lead will time travel back to modern time to give the book closure. Do u know who is 神仙哥哥 in the book as most ppl including xiao meng are shipping him? I know for sure she is not gonna end up with Jin Ping Pei Sheng. Hey, why the guys have such long names as I am poor with names:(? Yin Ying Fan? Initially I tut I saw Luo Yin Fan, lol. Does Abu sound diff with diff guys?

    Mian mian, the reader of Who Gets the World is really hard working as her sound effects, music & songs are very good, seldom or never recycle? Even her openings are diff for every 5 chapters. She also got so many readers to cameo for her. Cgege appears in chapter 99 so I gonna relisten again later, heehee...I wanna request her to sing a duet with Abu in the ending chapter:P

    Hey, why u even think of shipping Huang Chao but not keen on the 2 foxes ending up together? I can understand why u ship YWY but HC is so not swoony even if he is Abu:P Later, u'll think HFX is better than HC for BFX after u heard what he did for her:P

  • I'll probably continue with Ge Jin Tao Hua at some point, I think :) Just maybe not now?

    Yes, I think you'll ship her with YYCX. I kind of too, but I like Pei Sheng better. YYCX is parts extravagant, luxurious, teasing, petulant, and mushy worded lover. Pei Sheng is the ethereal, refined, quiet, caring type of lover. My favorite guy in the book. I think he's the 神仙哥哥 people are shipping? You might like Ming He too, but I actually haven't gotten to the point where he is introduced yet. My second favorite guy would be Jing Yun - such a sweetie! The four Leiting minions are quite funny.

    I think the names are long because it's an alterna-verse. Almost all of the names in that universe are four characters long, I think. I thought LYF when I heard YYF too :) Abu sounds sort of similar (he sounded more different in Chong Zi, I think) but he differentiates himself pretty well though.

    Mian Mian is really dedicated and the quality of her recordings are so good. I really like Xiao Meng too, but I wish she could hire me to be her music director :) Oh, I don't want to ship Huang Chao, but I want to feel torn about BFX and who she ends up helping. Huang Chao so far is not bringing it, not because he's a flawed character (HFX takes the prize for that) but more that he sounds like her pervy uncle, if that makes any sense? I want to see why it's best for BFX to go together with HFX. I'm not convinced yet, but I haven't gotten to their marriage yet, which might be why... I'm ready to love the guy, but I know you have rights to him, haha!

  • Thanks for the summary atsu-chan! I'm on chapter 6, but have not been terribly drawn into the story. During the whole YYCX seeing YTL bathing episode, I kept thinking how much funnier the scene would seem if A'Shou or SLMY read it. This female reader does have a voice that makes me want to yawn... And omg, the screams are horrible. So annoying.

    I will continue to listen because I already have 1-50 downloaded. Hopefully the story picks up!

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