Two of Us Are Not Familiar/ Love Fiercer Than A Tiger 咱俩不熟 – 染指你是个意外/ 初恋猛于虎 by 红九 Hong Jiu (HE)

Xiao Xiang has liked Yan Yu since high school but he kept it quiet whilst all the time telling her that he’s not familiar with her.

YY : Say, let’s be together, is there an issue?

XX : No, I’m not that  familiar with you.

YY : But you’ve already “meddled’ with me.

XX : That was accidental.

YY : Say, you really don’t need me to be your girlfriend?

XX : No need. Two of us are not that familiar.

YY : But, you’ve just ‘meddled’ with me again.

XX : That was accidental again.

YY : Xiao Xiang, I’ve decided to give up on you.

XX : You dare?! I’ve already ‘meddled’ with you!!

YY : But, the two of us are not that familiar, and that was accidental.

XX : I simply like to ‘meddle’ with strangers, so what??!!

This went on until he went abroad. Seven years later, he has never forgotten her, in fact, his teenage infatuation over her has grown into love. He comes back, they reconcile, he sleeps with her but still says, “I’m not that familiar with you”.

[Ebook] [Radiodrama – Completed] [Radiodrama – Part 1] [Nhúng chàm em chỉ là ngoài ý muốn]


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  • Peanuts, oh Peanuts.....thank you so much for this delightful book and the lovely pictures. You are so good in finding such cute covers.

  • Waa...kaa...kaa....It's slapstick fun from beginning to end. Never one dull moment. The writing style and rhymes really had me in stitches.

    YY was getting really frustrated with XX constantly telling her that he's not familiar with her. So her roomies cooked up a strategy and told her to 上了他吧 (seduce him). YY goes to him, armed with a step-by-step seduction plan. She tells him, 我要上了你 but she takes the phrase literally and to his chagrin, kept insisting that she should be the one on top!!!!

    XX wanted to bring YY to the hotel for a fling. So, XX says, 我们去开房吧 (let's go "open a room"). But YY says, 开房 (kai fang) doesn't sound very nice, so in future when we want to open a room, why don't we say 开饭 (kai fan) instead(?)!!!! LOL....Let's all go "eat rice".....

  • When I recommended you the book, I told you I like the cover & synopsis. When I saw your cover, I nearly had a heart attack, lol. We've quality ctrl here so don't simply post sub-std stuff, heehee...Btw if you like this author book, this is also not bad - 爱我就要说出来.

    After hearing your lunatic rave on this book, I jumped into it last nite & finished 5 chapters. Haha, what can I say except YY is really a dummie, so much more stupid than SS, lol. So sweet of him to supply her with near expiry date ice-cream but he is a big bully for making her go to his place to fetch him????? I'll tell him to fly kite, lol.

  • Yeah, I think YY is the dummiest in the dummy club, she even beat me to the no. 1 spot.

    Haha...XX bought up all the ice cream supply. He put in so much effort and made sure each piece is two weeks to expiry before giving it to YY. I actually fell in love with the book from this ice cream part onwards. I hope you will continue reading the book, plenty more of hysterics to come.

    Syorrrr......I am so ashamed of the original cover I put up. Don't know where to hide my faceless face.

  • I did this book...thanks's totally hilarious!!! But I didn't understand some of the jokes n meanings.... :( but it was so funny......she is a total brainless and hopeless girl...but somehow she ends up attracting all the smart handsome man....

    Can't imagine her parents are doctors!!! did she manage school??

    But I like how they had the 2nd generation.....her girl is equally as clueless as her I must say....haha

  • Hey pm, you thank the wrong person bcos this book is fr peanuts. Only peanuts knows your taste well, lol. It is ok, Xinn Xinn did the hard working of reading & translating the synopsis as peanuts is just too lazy, lol. I gave up this book half way, after they ate the mustard bcos it is getting annoying & flat. Arrrrgh, she is just too dumb. Instead of cute, I find her annoying. Sorry, I've no patient for a bird brain like her:( Calling the male lead Xiao Xiang Xiang & always wanna be on top, goosebumps ar, goosebumps ar, lol.

    Not all of Xin Yi Wu's books have good ending but Original has good ending. The guy is cute, he is a stalker, lol. You've read all of Gu Man's books?

  • Some people are borned lucky, they may not be the smartest but things just go their way in life, like YanYu, like Shan Shan or even Forrest Gump.

    Btw, I posted Cherished Marriage with you in mind....LOL....if you have the time, give it a read. The story is light and easy, but with a teensy weensy bit of crying and ahemmmm.....some mustard (you may choose to skip this side dish if you're still having indigestions....). Happy ending.....I promised you will not be angry with the male lead like Nie Wei Yang.....haha...

  • Haha....Xi Fu Peanuts knows our exact taste buds, how we like our men.....

    Arrrr.....I feel so transparent. But Xi Fu also has a vault full of goooodies, one of these days, I might be tempted to tunnel through and rob her!!! But before this happens, we still have to keep polishing her shoes so that she will keep the goooodies coming our, Peanuts, did I forget to tell you lately, how much I love you(??)......

  • Hey Xinn Xinn, those are characters in books, stop dreaming, lol. Also, stop feeding pm mustard, she gonna get diarrhea one day, lol. Just for discussion sake, I dun like to eat mustard. I don't see how eating mustard can enhance my reading experience. I am not coy or old fashion but all mustard taste the same. I don't find them tasty as I can't differenciate them, lol. I like to read funny or romantic interactions or some light bullying like Shan Shan but cannot be abusive.

    Tunnel thru? Are u a rabbit or what:P? It is highly guarded so dun even try, lol. Urrrrrgh, sucking up to me doesn't work bcos I am not Yan Yu. But like Shan Shan, I wanna be rewarded with a check, lol. You need new books? Recommend Twice Blooming Flower (pm read this), Hi, My Man, Wrong Sparkle, Good Morning Miss Undercover, So what you are my student & Funv gaga, all posted on SSB.

  • Hehe.....sorry peanuts...thanks thanks...I luv peanuts.....:x

    Gnu man only got 3 books rite? I read Shan Shan and the other one......

    Wahhaa...Xinn is it really slopping with it? I cannot stomach it me diarrhea.... :( unless it's a really good happy story......

    Twice blooming flower was nice......Xinn can try it.....

    Honestly..I dun think yu yan can make it in way......:p

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