My Dear Archimedes (Dear Archimedes) 亲爱的阿基米德 by 玖月晞 Jiu Yue Xi (OE)

The highly intelligent logician Yan Su knows everything, but yet he has extremely low EQ.

The rather clever biologist Zhen Ai is an all-rounded and good person, but yet she is often found to be in a daze. Actually, she just takes a long time to process things.

As such –

When she fails to react,
Yan Su: Your neural reflex arc is capable of circulating around the Earth five times.

When she finally has some reactions,
Zhen Ai: I feel cold.
Yan Su: That may be because your kidney suffers from yang deficiency; it may also be because of the lack iron in your bloodstream, coupled with insufficient thyroid secretion…
Zhen Ai: Oh thanks!

When he believes her,
Yan Su: Of course you are not the killer; if you were the killer, you would use a method that is more cruel and yet retains an air of elegance.
Zhen Ai: Oh thanks!

When he does not believe her, he will use his style and method to capture Zhen Ai (true love)*.

*T/N: Zhen Ai has the same pronunciation as true love in Mandarin.


[Ebook] [Radiodrama] [Archimedes thân yêu][ Eng Translation][친애적아기미덕][Drama]


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  • This is a detective novel that revolves around the highly intelligent logician Yan Su and the mysterious Zhen Ai, and how they gradually fall in love whilst successfully solving cases together.

    The story begins with Zhen Ai seeking out the help of Yan Su in solving a mysterious code. Although Yan Su discerns that Zhen Ai is not being entirely truthful with him, he still agrees to help her on account of his friend. Yan Su and Zhen Ai thus start their turbulent journey of solving crimes and navigating traps whilst trying their best to protect each other along the way.

    The female lead, Zhen Ai, has a mysterious background which is gradually discovered as the story progresses and she gets embroiled in increasingly violent criminal cases. Although Zhen Ai grew up in a criminal syndicate and is constantly fending off the trackers sent by the syndicate to pursue her, she rarely loses optimism and hope, and simply goes about her life quietly trying to atone for the evils committed by her family. Zhen Ai, however, suffers from self-doubt and often thinks that by being part of an evil family and by virtue of her willingness to sacrifice everything in order to salvage the people she loves, she is by nature evil as well.

    The male lead, Yan Su, is a brilliant and righteous logician who lacks social skills. Due to his lack of social skills, he is unable to cultivate friendships with many people and only has a few select friends. Nevertheless, his sense of righteousness and warmth shines through his cold exterior, and he gradually grows on the reader as an untouchable, reliable symbol of justice. Indeed – despite the uncertainty of survival, he never ever shies away from dangerous situations and always does his best to confront problematic situations head-on.

    A mild warning is required – this book contains a few pages of sexually explicit content, so those who do not feel comfortable should refrain from reading those parts/ the book. Finally, it is unclear whether the author intends to continue the story as there are some rumours floating around that she intends to write a sequel for the book.

  • There are a couple of rather touching scenes in the book that can be largely accredited to Yan Su. This is because more often that not, Yan Su is put in the most compromising situation due to the Big Bad's unwillingness to hurt Zhen Ai.


    For instance, the following situation involves Yan Su and the Big Bad being trapped in the basement of a building, and he contemplates causing an explosion so as to incapacitate the Big Bad so as to ensure the capture of the Big Bad.

    Yan Su toyed with a silver lighter with his fingers. "An old building does not require that much explosive force to be destroyed. This thin layer of gas - is it natural gas? Hyrdogen? It doesn't matter, because at times like this, the lighter is as useful a pistol."

    Arthur calmly reminded him, "You don't want your life anymore? It doesn't matter how small the explosive force is, it is not something the human body is capable of enduring."

    The lights in the corridor flickered on and off.

    Yan Su's eyes glinted. He smiled quietly, "Let's bet then. After the explosion, we'll both be gravely injured. If you awaken first, you can use the gun in your hand to kill me. If I awaken first, I'll send you to jail! Being the head of S.P.A., I'm sure the CIA has numerous crimes waiting to be pinned onto you."

    Arthur's expression clouded over. Yet, there was still no sign of fear on his face. He smiled coldly and declared, "Of course I'll win. Don't forget, you are currently suffering from a few broken ribs."

    In response to this, Yan Su merely nodded. "I know."

    My life, her freedom - I choose her freedom.


    At the end, because of Yan Su's continual suffering of severe injuries, he nearly becomes a vegetable and awakens from his coma unable to recall a large part of his recent memories.

    As such, he is only able to vague recollection of the existence of a person who was very important to him, but he is unable to recall who she is, what she sounds like, and what she looks like.

    Nevertheless, based on his vague recollection and occasional flashes of past memories, he remains convinced about her existence and goes all over the world tirelessly searching and looking for her.

    In his words, "She is the one and only person who I will ever love in my life. Therefore, I must give her the best treatment a man can ever give to a woman. When she is alive, I will use my entire life to find her; and when she is dead, I will use my entire life to remember her."


  • Aww, thanks for providing those touching scenes!!! They are really beautiful to read. I could feel my stomach tighten and heart beat slow :3
    I'm not really into detective stories though and tend to avoid modern novels with violence in.

  • Is she die? Did he found her?Even if he found her how did he know that she is right one..I mean he doesn't remember her face or her voice...Oh !!!!is open ending.......How frustrating!! -_-///

  • @Singleswan Haha no worries I understand not all detective novels are everyone's cup of tea! There were points during My Dear Archimedes when I felt chills going up my spine because of how eerie the situation was, like when the leads were trapped in an old mansion with the killer and other potential victims.

    @thiri Nope, Zhen Ai didn't die. However, the criminal syndicate captured her after the grand finale. When Yan Su first started looking for Zhen Ai, he couldn't remember her face, her voice or how she was related to him. There wasn't even any evidence showing that she had previously existed because Zhen Ai was a fake identity given to her previously when she was under the witness protection program. Thus, he drifts from country to country, certain that if he were to find her again, somehow, his feelings would help him recognize she is the one he's looking for.

    It's very frustrating that it's open-ended but there are rumours floating around the Internet that the author intends to continue with a sequel, so hopefully both of them will be able to have a happy ending in the end :)

  • I'm currently reading this too! Into about 56% of it. I've been wondering why this book hasn't been recommended here yet, but here it is at last! I'm glad, because so far I've enjoyed what I've read. Mystery-solving partners, yeahhh.

    Personally, I've been quite fond of the leads' interactions/dynamics. This book also contains one of my favourite romance confessions scenes tbh, even though it wasn't anything novel or groundbreaking. There were surely many times when Yan Su made me laughed. Except my reading pace had been slowed down since the leads started dating. Zhen Ai's past and background could be kinda cliche and extreme, so I'm hoping it doesn't turn out to be tasteless and sloppy in execution as it goes down the road.

    I've read about how the ending is not a HE?? But yeah I look forward to how the story will unfold and end.

    p/s: Imagine an interaction between Yan Su and 他来了,请闭眼's Bo Jin Yan. :)
    and Yan Su 言溯 is also a pun, like Zhen Ai 甄爱's is too.

  • @milquety Are you a fan of detective novels too? (: I find that having read all of Ding Mo's detective novels I've been quite spoilt - I can't seem to find much other detective books that grab me as much as hers does! So I was quite happy to find My Dear Archimedes. Have you read the rest of the "Dear" series? Jiu Yue Xi seems to have written two other books in the series!

    Hmm I started slowing down when it was nearing the end, so I do agree that the latter part of the book might not have been as good as the front part, but the book really gripped me at least till the part they entered the mansion with the guests where the guests were slowly killed one by one.

    I hope the execution of Zhen Ai's past and background didn't prove too be too tasteless and sloppy in execution for you! I quite liked A but it was a pity they didn't talk much about him. B was a little too extreme for my taste, unfortunately.

  • @dramasbooksandtea Nope I won't say I'm a big fan of detective novels but rather romance/relationships mixed with mystery is pretty good for me~ Yup I've read Ding Mo's stuff, namely When Snail Loves and Our Glamorous Times. I'm planning to read Ding Mo's other books too, and Jiu Yue Xi's Dear Freud. But apparently I've read that Dear Archimedes is probably the best one in the "Dear" series.

    Yes same here! In fact, I'm STILL at the part where they are in the mansion.....orz. I agree the book was pretty engaging until then because I thoroughly enjoyed the leads' characters. I like the balanced dynamics in them~ I was initially attracted to read the novel because there was a huge promise on the fact that they're two geniuses haha~

    I look forward to it!!

    p/s: I think I have this other romance-deduction/mystery novel on my reading list titled 唯有你如此不同 but I'm not sure if it's heavy on mystery since I haven't read it yet. Not sure if it had been recommended here but just dropping the title. I look forward to reading this one as well. ((Too many to read!!!!! +_+))

  • @milquety Yup Ding Mo's stuff is pretty good, I really liked Memory Lost and He Has Arrived, Please Close Your Eyes. I feel that she's one of the best in this genre! My Dear Socrates is pretty good, or at least it appears to be more popular compared to My Dear Sigmund Freud. But overall, Archimedes is still the most popular in the series.

    唯有你如此不同? I haven't heard of it, but will definitely check it out when I have the time! I'm currently reading lighter novels because I've been reading heavier novels for a while now (this included). Thanks for the heads up anyway :D

  • Hi. Thanks for posting up this title as I've been browsing around for it. I've also been spoilt by reading Ding Mo's novels and am currently obsessed with the drama adaptation of 他来了,请闭眼. I loved the story very much and am on the hunt for similar stories and baidu seems to recommend 玖月晞's 亲爱系列。I can't seem to find her 3亲爱books at当当 though. Does anyone know whether they've been published?

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