In this world, it is depressing to know that your girl friend has stolen your boyfriend.
Thus, He Xin Mei who appears to be a strong woman clings to “an expert lecturer” called teacher Song’s thigh and cries!
In fact in this world, there is a kind of love which needs prolonged waiting.
But He Xin Mei is too obtuse so she does not understand.
Teacher Song is a respected family’s friend, also her senior as well as a friend.
Why for so many years, he treats ridiculing and bullying her as the pleasure of his life?
Until one day, they slept together …… then, she found out that this guy has been having a crush on her for years!
When the little monster attempts to rebel against Ultraman on the road to happiness,
Who wants to get rid of the actor?
[Ebook] [Audiobook] [Radiodrama till 1] [Sự nhầm lẫn tai hại]
At the age of sixteen, Gao Yuexing married the most sought-after Prince Xiang in the…
Seven years ago, Detective Li Jincheng mysteriously disappeared in an urban village late one night.…
In moments of deep affection, he grinned mischievously: “One day as a disciple, a lifetime…
Everyone at Yangming Middle School knew that Zhou Wan was introverted and reserved, while…
By a twist of fate, she found herself married to the future Prime Minister. In…
In the opening game of the Spring Split, the veteran team OG encountered Waterloo and…
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I've listened to abt half of the audiobook which is rather short with 19 chapter of abt 20 mins per chapter. It is a nice & funny audiobook. The readers are also quite good as there are male & female voices. In fact I feel this book is better than that bear book bcos that book has got too many songs & less interesting storyline. I highly recommend this audiobook if you need something light.
Hey lidge, have u read this book? This author is quite well-liked & diversified in her writing. I like the girl bcos she is chubby & not pretty, very ordinary like any of us. But she is spunky & direct. I was cheering her when she slapped the so-called friend who stole her bf. She doesn't really get bullied badly by the male lead. The male lead is also quite funny. His nickname is 'squirrel fish' (宋书愚), lol.
A while back, someone complained the lack of Taiwanese & Hongky authors on this site. I've found the replacement of Qiong Yao. Her name is 席绢 (Xi Juan). She is ver popular & her works are known as 'ice-cream'. She has written many books & some were even made into dramas. In fact I just watched one. Maybe I'll post it later. Actually she wrote time travel novel in the 90s, long b4 Tong Hua. Her books seem quite interesting & diverfied. Bcos most of her works are published into books so the storylines are not repetitive or common. Each book is kind of new & diff like Xin Yi Wu. I started a book called poppy love but dropped it bcos I found out the ending is 2 shocking & sad, even worse than step-mum FWSC. I am reading another book now which has a good ending. Hey lidge, have u heard or read her books?
Hey Chancy, what are u busy doing? Working? Pls approve my HXY comment. Why atsu doesn't need approval:(? Also, pls release my rabbit book back to me so I can update.
Viet title: Sự Nhầm Lẫn Tai Hại
Yes, I immediately recognized this story from reading the intro because of the male lead's nickname "Catfish Song." I don't know how popular this author is, but this is her only work that's been translated and professionally published in Viet.
Actually, I've read this but can't really remember much since it was so long ago, haha. Most romance stories involve the main couple having a misunderstanding in the beginning and then they'll solve it and live happily ever after. Problem is I read so much that it's hard to remember what the misunderstanding is in stories I've read unless it's one of my favorite stories, which are not that many. So yeah, read this but can't really remember, hehe. Just remember the beginning which is cute because the story opens with the girl can't pay for her meal so she calls the male lead out on pretense of treating him to a meal but in reality, so he can pay, lol.
Not a lot of Xi Juan's works are translated. The only one I've read is 爱我不必太痴心, but I can't remember it.
I'm not sure if this author is Taiwanese, but I think she is. Her name is 金萱 (Jin Xuan?). She's very popular with Viet readers because a lot of her works have been translated by fans. I haven't read much of her works because they're similar so to borrow the assessment of another reader "Once you've read one of her works, you've read them all," lol.
I'm currently reading a book by the author of the Rabbit book called "Drama Ratings Poison." It's not LOL funny but still cute. Helps me pass the time. The female lead reminds me of Gigi Lai because her younger brother is in a serious car accident and she's working as an actress to pay his medical bills. Also, her acting isn't really good hence the "poison" nickname. I've always liked Gigi though her acting has never been that good to me.
Peanuts, you watching Inbound Troubles. I'm reading good comments about it, and I'm so glad Joey Meng is back!!! She's part of my childhood memories, lol. Can't wait to watch it!!
Yeh, this is not the most funny or best book but nonetheless there is a quite good audiobook so I posted it. It is not addictive but the funny bits/jokes are diff for all of them. I think the author's other 2 books are not tranlated bcos they are sad & serious. Oh, I heard abt Drama Rating poison. I am reading a similar book which has better rating but not translated to Viet I think.
I've never been a fan of Gigi bcos I can't stand the way she recites her lines & cry. Sorry to say, I don't think she is a good actress & luckily she has retired for good:P Yes, yes Inbound Troubles is good. I've TVB cable so I am very updated. But I am not sure u'll understand the jokes if u don't follow closely HK news or know the r/s b/w mainland & hk ppl. A lot of the events in the drama are based on real incidents. This is my 1st time watching Joey Meng bcos I don't get any ATV drama on my TVB cable:( U like her Vampire drama? There are a few HK not so famous singers in the drama who acted very well & funny.
Xi Juan's novels are really short, abt 10 chapters only. I wonder why not many has been translated. So far, I feel she is ok with the subject matters but those topics are quite mature & not funny or silly. Never heard of 金萱 but baidu pedia didn't say where she originate. I know why most of her novels are translated. Seems like she writes a few boss love stories, your fav, lol. These 2 authors have so many books, more books than the amt I've read in my life, lol. I though FWSC is productive but she can't compare to them. Probably bcos they've been writing for many yrs.
Not a fan of Gigi's acting, but she seems sweet in real life so I like her. Plus I read about her having to enter acting to support her family and then her brother's accident. Seems like she's sacrificed a lot for her family. She seems happy with her married life so glad everything's worked out for her.
I saw Joey Meng in Fist of Fury and Who's the Winner I & II. I thought she was soooo pretty. I just adored her tomboy role in Who's the Winner I with Nathan Chan, and they had the most amazing chemistry ever!!! It's one of my favorite series that I can watch over and over and never get bored. I was soooo mad when they killed her off in the first few eps in Who's the Winner II. The first time I watched, I was just shocked! To this day, I'm still mad, lol. Even till I die, I think I'd still be bitter, that's how much I love Nathan and Joey together, lol. The Vampire series are popular, and they're OK to me.
I've clearing up my mind lately. I'm on break this week though because I pulled a little tantrum with my boss after 3 days of training about the job not being a good fit for myself and quit the job. He gave me a week break so I could clear my mind. Going back to work Monday though. >< I've been so unstable after graduation, personality changes and very jittery.
I changed some settings. It might be because your posts have more than 2 links? I'm not sure why because your post don't have more than 2 links. Strange. Let's see if you have this problem again. The only ones having this problem is you and lidge, but I don't see anything wrong with you both's comments that might automatically set them to "awaiting moderation" status.
Hang in there, and things will get better, chancy. Sometime we just have those moments where we suddenly re-evaluate where we are in life and we're frustrated that we're not where we want to be. But hang in there. Things will get better. With time, you'll be able to calm down, see things more clearly, set new goals, and find new strength to go out and accomplish those goals.
About a month ago after I finished my master's, I was so relieved. Then for some reason, I kind of had a mental meltdown. I don't think you guys could tell from my chatty posts, but it was really bad. I think it was from the tremendous stress from writing tons of essays, which I hate to do. So I just took it day by day. As time went by, I began to calm down and identify not just what I'm unhappy what in my life but the things that I'm happy about and grateful for. Then I set new goals for myself, and these goals motivate me because now I have things I want to strive for. I also began to feel better.
So hang in there, chancy. Sometimes when life seems most chaotic, that's when we're forced to find ourselves, and in the end, we become better people from the experience.
Hugs fr peanuts:) Real life is different fr book or drama. There is no right or wrong, good or bad. You just need to make or do your best in any given circumstances. It is especially hard for you having to transit fr studying to working so don't be too harsh on yourself or others. It takes time to adapt. Think things thru & make your decision/choice. As long as u r happy with it now & later, go with it. The outcome is beyond your ctrl. U win some, u lose some. A bad decision at a point in time might turn out good in the future or vice versa as life is ever changing & unpredictable. The bottomline is u need to know what u want & is happy with your choice.
Go & listen to this book to cheer yourself up, lol. Lidge, we indulge in food, drama & book to keep us happy right, haha? That is why I don't like sad books. I was listening to the part where the parents caught them in bed in the public transport. Arrrrgh, I had such a hard time suppressing my laughter:P Actually this book is really ok, a bit silly here & there yet kind of serious also. I am enjoying it.
I've been busy reading novels by Taiwanese authors. Recommend u a few later & plan to write a short review on the differences:)
Just finished reading this...funny story but not much plot n substance...makes for a quick funny read.....
I love how she calls herself a lump of poop and how every poop will have a destined poop hole...and there mr fish is....haha
But I can't figure out how or when mr fish actually pursued ms poopy.....other than he was always available....and they also dun elobrate on her fren xiao mei and her family...or who the side liners are.....
Oh well.... There r always good stories n not too good..but still funny...
Ha, I know it. I saw unusual activity with this book so I've my suspicion Pm is at work, lol. Already said mah, mr fish likes ms poopy since young. They know each other for donkey yrs so love sort of grows over time. FYI, there are 2 other books on her frens & I read one of them. I think the one on Chan Yuen and her hubby the monkey lol. That book is kind of serious and may not sit well with you. As for the other fren Xiao Mei, I think it is a forbidden love as she likes her uncle who is Xinn's fav lol.
What I like abt this book is the female lead is not pretty and in fact chubby so this gives hope to ordinary girls, lol. Kind of tired of books with pretty & beautiful leads:P Also, like that part where ms poopy slaps the mum's fren's daughter who stole her so-called jerk of a bf.
Hehe...peanuts keeps tabs on my reading...whahahaha.... I was wondering when n how mr fish met ms fish shd be renamed destined poop hole....hahah
Ahhh...icic...but how come they all seem to be related or know each other? Monkey?? I tot he was called rat or sth like that....but it's just so hilarious that they are all so crude in calling each other....just totally hilarious...
Ahhh...xiao mei...yes.... Some uncle guy..but I tot not related? Pls pls can post the related stories?
Haha...I keep trying to picture her when she talks about her chubby arms and legs....and how in the epilogue 3 or 4 she talks about yoga poses or bed poses..and how she describes the meat on her leg touching the meat on her tummy....hahah...
And gosh!!! Mr fish seems to like meaty gals....calls his daughter rou rou!!! Meaty, meat bun!!! She must be chubby too I guess....
Ahahaha,....that evil girl!!! Dun like her...from those short little descriptions...she seems jealous, evil, cunning and scheming...typical Korean show evil pretty person....too bad no story on her.... Hope she got dumped by that no brain dr!!