Two Ex-Husbands on One Stage (Choice Husband) 两只前夫一台戏 (择君记) by 电线 Dian Xian (HE)

The story begins with Shen Miao having been married twice with two ex-husbands. If you think that the story will be old-fashion revolving around the rivalry and jealousy of the two ex-husbands, then you are wrong. The story is really sweet and funny, with many twists and turns in the plot . It turned out that the two ex-husbands are actually staging a play together with a motive.  Thus, Shen Miao who is clueless about it from beginning to end is in fact performing a monologue as no one gave her a script beforehand.

True feelings?

Fake feelings?

Who took advantage of her?

Who often protect her?

Who is willing to wait five years for her?

Who is willing to give up the throne for her?   

This book is from the author who wrote Heavy Sweetness, Ash-like Frost so expect plenty of funny & hilarious scenes:)

[Ebook] [Audiobook] [Radioplay – till 9] [Hai ông chồng cũ một vở diễn][Eng Translation (Chapters 1-14) (Chapters 15-on)][Drama]


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  • Lucy from Peanuts gang commented:P

    Btw: I've read the first 9 chapters of 2 Ex-Husbands on 1 Stage. I tried to read more but alas, darn you sleep for beating me^^. I think 2 Ex-Husbands is funnier than Heavy Sweetness if that's possible b/c Heavy Sweetness is pretty hilarious. There's a part in the story where about the female lead character visits a brothel for men who are homosexuals (so it's guys going there for other guys not women). She meets her 2 ex-husbands there, and all three end up fighting over the same guy...LOL!. Her ex-husbands are in love with her, but she mistakenly thinks their jealousy is b/c ex-husbands are secretly in love with each other but won't admit it so she wants to play matchmaker and get them together...LOL!!! The story is so crazy funny (so far). I wouldn't recommend reading this or listening to the audio in public b/c you'll be laughing like a loon and ppl will think you've just escaped from an insane asylum XD

    • Woot! Woot! Thanks for giving 2 Ex-Husbands some PR.
      Have you started the audiobook yet?^^
      I'm at work right now. Will post some of my thoughts when I get home :)

      • I am still listening to Tang Qi's modern novel. Will download & probably start this next week. I saw the MVs so I ship Wallace's character more but I know she'll end up with the other one so I am not really keen on it, heehee...Bad of me to see the MVs, now spoilt my eagerness to listen to this:(

        I'll hijack this thread to rant abt TVB:P I saw 3 Kingdoms ending last nite. What a stupid stupid ending !!! I won't spoilt it for you but sufficient to say it is bad. Witness Insecurity also got bad ending. Not that I expect happy ever after ending but those 2 endings really suck. I probably can write & film better one, haha..TVB tried to make the endings touching but unfortunately I didn't shed a tear. I shed more tears over a good novel than TVB dramas inspite of the added visual effect. This shows how bad TVB is getting. I am also an ardent DIF trilogy fan & I miss the good old days.

        Hey, I think you are really my long lost sister because I am also into Kdrama for romance, Tdrama, for comedy Cdrama for historical & Jdrama for something original & different. I don't watch Thai because I find most of their storylines hard to stomach due to the culture diff. I don't like those super alpha males, you get my drift:) I usually watch the Mandarin dubbed ones as I always multi-task plus I am lazy to read English, haha...

        • Can you give me link for the Wallace's MV? Thanks.

          Haven't seen 3K or WI yet, but will try to see do a marathon for both when there's time. I read that my poor Bosco got the ax? sigh~~ . A lot of TVB fans have been complaining about how everything's steadily going downhill for a number of yrs I like the cop/detective genre a lot and wish TVB would produce more of these series and less of the OTT family dramas that go nowhere, filled with newbie actors that can't act, and have bad endings.

          I loooove DIF w/ Michael & Kenix!!! Michael & Kenix have awesome chemistry as a couple. They were pretty funny in Love Bond too with Moses and Bernice.

          Currently, I've got 2 months of reading for school that I've got to get done in 3 days. And next semester is my last where I can't goof off anymore so unfortunately, I've got to cut down on reading Chinese novels/TV watching...ehhh pretty much all the fun stuff XD. So I prob. won't be able to comment often^^

          • Yes, yes, read more text books, not story books:P Good luck with your study. Comment whenever you can as reading is a leisure activity:) Let me catch up on my reading then we can discuss more after you finish your study. Btw, I finished that Tang Qi's modern novel & you can read my rants:P

  • Ahh! My beloved Wallace! But why is he always the second male lead? >:O

    I kinda want to read Once Promised next since I've heard so many good things about the male lead Chi You, so this book will have to be put on hold.

    • Because when those MVs were made, he wasn't famous enough:) Btw which drama did they got the clips from? He looks really young. Must be the old drama that I skipped for a reason.

      I have read everything good from Tong Hua except Once Promised so I am saving it. You go ahead & read it. Chancy & Raini will love to discuss more with you. I think after that you need this book to help you recover:P

    • happy happy happy! Yah, you better have a happy book to go after Once Promised, like candy after drinking some super bitter herbal tea.

  • I'm thinking of starting this book next. Was gonna do Peach Blossom Song, but decided on this one since everyone seems to be swaying here.


      • Poor peanuts! Is your PC OK now? If it's spyware, then an anti-virus program won't work. You have to use something like Malwarebytes Anti-Malware or Spybot Search & Destroy. Don't use both at the same time b/c I don't think they're compatible with each other.

        I use a combo of Avast!, Malwarebytes, and CCleaner (all free at and haven't had a virus infection in a long time. Using just an anti-virus program isn't enough anymore nowadays.

  • I am only half way through in cleaning my pc:( Somemore it is my office's pc:( Yes, it is malware but I consider all of them as virus. I am following some online instructions. I'll use your combo, thanks for telling me. Once bitten twice shy. I never expect this, too complacent. Wah internet is a dangerous place:(

    • Is your office's PC on a network? If you can, you should disconnect the phone line or if it's wireless, then disconnect from the Internet. You can d/l the spyware software, burn it on a CD, and run in on the infected PC. If the PC is hooked to a network, other PC's might get infected too.

      If it's spyware, then an anti-virus program won't work. You can use either Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, Ad-Aware Free Antivirus, or Spybot Search & Destroy. All of these might not be compatible with each other since they're the same type so don't run them all at the same time. I'd go with Spybot first since it's the easiest to use. If it doesn't work, uninstall it, restart your PC, then go with Malwarebytes. If not, uninstall, restart then go with Ad-Aware.

      To be safe, you should use:
      -Virus program like either Avast (free), AVG Anti-Virus (free), McAfee (not free), etc.
      -Also need to use for spywares either Malwarebytes, Ad-Aware, or Spybot. This is crucial b/c the PC infections these days are sophisticated and it's not just a simple virus anymore. Hence, the virus program won't pick it up.
      -The CCleaner cleans up extra files and frees up space on the computer, but isn't necessary in terms of protection. Just makes your PC run faster since it's not loaded with temp files.

      I've learned all of this the hard way!^^

  • Peanuts -

    Which link were you talking about that gave you the virus? I clicked on the two MV links that led me to tudou and I go to that site all the time without any problems.

    Anyway, the Wallace Chung clips from the two MVs you posted are from Four Detective Guards. Wallace played Zhui Ming. I tried watching that series, but couldn't stomach it after a few episodes, since the leading male was not Wallace but some Korean actor, Cha In Pyo, who played Tie Shou. It wouldn't have been so bad if Cha In Pyo didn't look so constipated with a slight hunchback ALL the time! Plus, I heard ALL the girls in the series fell in love with Cha's character, and NO ONE loved Wallace's character! What was wrong with those female characters? Couldn't they see that Zhui Ming was much cuter? However, I heard that Wallace so humorous and cute in that series that the female viewers started taking notice of him. Then, shortly afterward, I think he filmed Ni Shui Han, in which his popularity exploded as most fell in love with how hot he was as the villain.

    • Hi Mel, I am talking abt the download link. Don't worry, I've fixed it. Initally I was interested in this book becos of the MVs. But when I found out that the girl doesn't end up with Wallace, my interest drop drastically:(

      Thank you for the info but you might not know I've been a Wallace fan since his TVB days:) When I saw him in TVB's A Journey Called Love as a retarded boy, I already like him & feel that he is destinated for stardom. Then he acted in TVB Chord of Victory as the young Kenny Bee. Later, I found him in Meteor Garden 2. Much later, my mum's friend lend me Ni Shui Han DVDs. I was excited to see Julian Cheung but ended up fast forwarding most of his boring scenes & concentrated on Wallace:P Want to rant abt his permed hair:)

      Last year, I finally found him on my cable TV jumping between train carriages in Too Late To Say I Love You. He looks his best in uniform but unfortunately he is paired with sister Li & his character sucks especially the middle bit. Most of his dramas either have terrible storylines, bad characters or horrible female leads. Thus, sorry Wallace, I don't love you enough to sit thru them:P Luckily he has the look, acting chop & charisma to pull them through & become popular. I am pinning all my hope on Secrets so pls don't disappoint your loyal fan:)

  • Ha. Peanuts, I didn't realize you're such a Wallace Chung fan. How come you never speak up at spcnet? Poor Wallace doesn't have many supporters at spcnet compared to HG. :D

    • Haha, I am a fan of many people:P I know most of them in spcnet support Hu Ge, Jimmy or the other Wallace. I am not active in spcnet bcos I always forget my password:) Also, honestly speaking, there is nothing much to talk abt Wallace as I didn't watch most of his dramas:( When Secrets is out, I'll rave abt it in spcnet, haha...

  • Hihi folks.....I'm back..... :)

    Im thinking of trying tis book out...but how come the chapters in VIP cannot open? They ask for some arh ?.

  • Aiyaya, why you always pick books with VIP access, lol? Ok, changed to new free link especially for you. Next time gonna start charging you:P

  • Wahhhhhh........slobbery wet kisses from me....muacks...hehe.....I love peanuts so so much.....hehe....second time I got VIP...hehe.....many many many thanks. :)

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