A woman who doesn’t have a single romantic cell in her body got informed by Yue Lao (god of marriage) that she must bring back her destined love, else she’ll live out the rest of her life in loneliness.

But how does that man look? No idea.

What’s his personality like? No idea.

What does he do (for a living)? No idea.

Can she not go? Of course not.

Su Xiaopei, who believes in all things logical has run up against some serious wall this time.

The bottom line: This is a story about a modern female psychologist who has traveled back in time and an adorable warrior as they talk about love and solve crimes.

[Ebook] [Vạn dặm tìm chồng – Vol 1, Vol 2, Vol 3][Radiodrama][Eng Translation]


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  • So... this little hamster decided to gnaw on this novel coz she somehow thought "Husband Search" = chick lit romance and missed the fact that it's a mystery book -_- I'm so not a mystery reader.

    The premise is that a woman one day got told by some strange guy who claims to be Yue Lao that her destiny has just gotten into a car accident, now in a coma, his soul drifting somewhere in another parallel world, and that she must go there to bring him back or she'll live out her life forever alone.

    She calls bullshit, but goes to said world anyway (by choice or not, I can't remember). There, she has a hard time finding her destined CEO but runs into a cute pugilist who saves her life. And then together they go solve crime cases (at her egging and his reluctance coz she needs the bounties to buy toothbrush and shampoo haha).

    Even though I skimmed through the cases, the mystery in this story is eerily interesting because it spans from the modern world to the parallel ancient world, and I'm actually so hooked on finding out what the heck is going on.

    I'm also sold on the OTP. They have the funniest conversations, not that I'd expect less from Ming Yue Ting Feng. And yes, the male lead is very "meng" haha. I wanna swish his adorable face.

    Anyway, I'm still waiting for the 3rd e-book to get released, let's just hope I won't come back next week to flip tables or something.

  • I like this author for her 3 Marriages n this book sounds just right for me at the moment. Thank you for recommending n posting about this! ....

  • @Moonblossom, I should look up 3 Marriages then. I knew her through Dragon Flies Phoenix Dances and Hey Stop Fooling Around.

    I finally finished Vol 3 yesterday. It's a pretty solid read, though I thought the villain's end was a little unsatisfying. I almost expected to see him pop up again for a real final showdown. But I also forget pretty quickly coz of the cute couple haha.

    Let me know what you think after you finish it!

  • Im waiting for this one to finish before i start it! And,.. cause i have exams every day for the next week.....

  • I have just finished reading this book on http://www.sto.cc and my take is - this is a long-winded book with a solid OTP. Zhuang Shi (Mr Warrior) is a super adorable character, with an easy smile and a set of broad shoulders that can take on all the troubles of our heroine. He seems like a normal-variety Mr Good Guy at first but his quirky code of ethics quickly dispel the myth. Xiao Pei, our time-travelled heroine, is a very brave, very smart lady who suits him perfectly. I love their bickering, their lovey-covey, and even the mysteries, which are cleverly woven into the story. My only wish for the book is that it could have been more succinct. Some of the murders are pretty gristly so it is gratifying to see Xiao Pei helping to bring the culprits to justice. I like "3 Marriages" by the same author better because it is less wordy, but I like this OTP just as much as Second Master and Ju Mu'er.

    Thanks Hamster for recommending the book!

    ps: Decembi - if you see this. This book is right up your alley, complete with a Yue Lao (God of Marriage) #2238 and lots of red threads.

  • @serendipity this novel is complete so you can read with no worried for cliffhanger.

    @moonblossom I'm glad you liked it. I also thought it long at 3 books but I liked the OTP and I come equipped with super skimming skill haha.

    At the mention of Yue Lao and long-windedness, the author wrote a little essay on how she came up with this story and part of it included her creation of Yue Lao. She apparently had written a scene with him that she loved, but readers thought it was unnecessary so it got edited out in the published version. It was a pretty interesting read into an author 's thoughts.

  • Okay, I absolutely enjoyed this book! This couple is the type of couple I love best. Two people who work together to deal with whatever confronts them; two people who are on equal terms. Though I thought the plot was great, I saw what was coming from a mile away. But that doesn't matter, since to me the characters are slightly more important than plot, and the characters were amazing. This book is a must read!

    I really want a well made audiobook of this, since the robotic voice of google translate isn't the best reader....

  • I wish there were like buttons on SSB for when I agree but don't have much more to add lol.

    I really love their tandem too. Their relationship is what functional adults would pursue, but oh so cute and funny. I have the books in paperback and am waiting for a good day to start the reread.


    just ignore the above freak out... Is this novel funny? is the novel really long?

  • Yeah, it's pretty funny. The couple's conversations are gold. As for length, it's 100+ chapters (at least the version I read is). There's also some chapters being changed, so it can be confusing sometimes.

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